How About a Jet Powered BBQ Grill?

by Skip

I have to admit, my Jettiness series has had a lot of jet-powered stuff but I have NEVER come across a jet-powered barbeque grill. Your simple, ordinary home barbeque, normally using briquettes or propane, is now using a jet engine?

Yep, the British madman Youtuber, Colin Furze, surprised me with this choice of something to tinker with just to have some fun:



Now, before becoming a blogger, I was starting to concentrate on being a foodie. Though I never got the level of being on Gordon Ramsey’s show for home cooks (“MasterChef”) or even being a line cook in a local eatery, I was having fun and trying new stuff. THIS, however, was never in my dreams to have as a tool.

And it does look a wee bit hard to control, and I think that the “sear” on the bangers and burgers is more than most would want (or Ramsey). But hey, why not?


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