“Time Blindness”

by Skip

I can see why older generations don’t want to hire young CryBullies or socialize with them, for that matter—being “on time” used to be an accepted, almost mandatory, social norm in Society—one of the things that “glued” us together.

“Are there accommodations for people struck with Time Blindness?”

Oh sure, we all know those individuals, sometimes couples (really one individual within that couple), that seem to be constitutionally unable to get their act together. Those who think he or she is the center of everyone else’s universe and inconveniencing others is THEIR problem and not his or hers. Or unable to keep themselves organized and focused. I think you get the idea.

Me? I’m the opposite. I’m “late” if I’m just 15 minutes early. And yes, TMEW can be “not happy” as I’m rushing everyone else around to be “Not Late For My Early!”

So, when I came across this video, I knew I had to save it until I had the time to share it.



I agree with the commenter – it is rude,  irresponsible, and offensive. Yes, we are a society that celebrates the ideal of Individualism and the Rights that go along with that, and that SHOULD be held inviolate. That doesn’t prevent, however, the rest of us from skewering dorks like this “young thang” whose parents and educators failed to shove this into her “no one but me” mentality that time is precious even if you don’t think yours is valuable. That MINE is to ME especially when every day is another step closer to not having any more so DON’T WASTE MINE!

Yet another example of childish behavior from those who can’t spell “decorum” without reading it, much less defining it.


HT | YouTube

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