A Different Kind of “Gender-Affirming Surgery”

by Skip

If you’re an adult (and I’m saying that loosely in some cases) and you want to mutilate your body in some fashion, be my guest. Just don’t make me pay for it or be on bended knee “affirming” delusions that these modifications make you look or feel better.

And yes, I’m talking primarily about gender dysphoria, where a tiny fraction of our population believes they can be something that they can never be but go all Trans-Authoritarian on the rest of us by demanding that we treat them in ways THEY tell us to do and that we can only use certain words in referring to them.

And the good Lord above help them when we call “gender-affirming surgery” for what it really is – sexual mutilation of perfectly good organs.  And it is sexual mutilation upon children who have no idea of what they want and can’t consent to anything pushed upon them by ideological misfits or parents that refuse to BE parents and do the right things by their children (no, you’re too young to do that – wait 20 years and see if you still think that’s such a great idea). And God help those little children when witless certain parents have no idea of what is “good” for their children in the first place.

Imagine the parents that condoned this simply because little Johnny knew better than they did what was best for him for the rest of his life…?

Kid Surgery to become a Pirate Powerline

Our country has lost its mind and morality due to the chaos that has been shoved down our throats and demanding it is filet mignon. While the above is a bit of satire (barely, given the atmosphere going on in Public Schools), would DCYF sanction this, as well as breast removal and genital mutilation, because of transgenderism?

At this point, I can’t say that they could if the reasoning was for “mental health issues of the child” by a child that can’t understand or comprehend what the ramifications of making such a decision would cost him or her.

Yet, schools do with transgenderism all the time. How much further, given we’ve developed into a “Slippery Slide / Anything Goes” culture, would schools be willing to generalize transgenderism? After all, some schools are fine with kids being furries, right?

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