Know Your Candidate

Turning Out Muslims for Biden

Democrat Joe Biden is urging Muslims to join him. He wants them to help him fight to defeat the President. He made the move clear in addressing an online summit. The host of the summit, Emgage Action is an advocacy organization. It is mobilizing Muslim voters ahead of the American presidential election.

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Muslim Group Supports Sanders while Sanders Dissses US-Israel Relations

Democrat presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders has received the endorsement of a so-called “top” Muslim political group. Emgage PAC, which calls itself the biggest Muslim political action committee in the country, reportedly said it is backing Sanders because of his “inclusive” presidential campaign, and it hopes that its endorsement spurs Muslims to the polls. “More … Read more

Why Is Remembering Important?

September 11 Do you Remember?

Today is September 11 do you remember? Looking at what is going on today with the Leftist-Islamist Coalition, there is serious reason for concern. They have power, financial backing, and representation in Congress. They seek to normalize defending terrorists and the financiers in the name of “Human Rights.” When you see “The Squad” make the … Read more


When Office Holders Embrace Hate

It is widely reported that Congresswomen Omar and Tlaib have been appearing at fundraising and speaking engagements for the Council for American Islamic Relations (CAIR). CAIR was named by the U.S. Department of Justice as an unindicted co-conspirator in its prosecution of the Holy Land Foundation and for providing support to the terrorist group Hamas. … Read more

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