An Inconvenient Truth About Recycling

The New Republic was gobsmacked by a 2022 report that claimed only 5-6% of plastics entering the recycling stream in America were actually recycled. Most of them are relocated until they end up in landfills, incinerated, or in a turtle’s nose photo-op.

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Greta UN how dare you

If Climate Change “Colonialism” is a Real Thing Greta, Your Whole Movement is Doomed

Swedish Climate Muppet Greta Thunberg is making news in Norway, where she and some activist muppet buddies blocked access to the Ministry of Energy to protest a proposed wind farm project. The reasoning: “indigenous peoples who live in the area.”

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egg on a dvd side of toast Photo by Chepe Nicoli on Unsplash

If You Want to Make a New World Order “Omelette” You Have to … ‘Reset’ An Additional 75,000 Chickens

One of my “research assistants” sent me this link – these are the fans who funnel scores of links to me daily – and with it the subject line, “Statistically beyond coincidence.” I’d have to agree.

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Candlelight candle flame Photo by Jarl Schmidt on Unsplash

You Will Be Made to Pay for an Energy Transition That Doesn’t Work, Isn’t Green, and That You Do Not Want.

As Europe fights to keep warm this winter, going so far as to burn coal to keep the lights on, the reached from reality EU bureaucrats approved a new carbon tax on the old energy (heating and motor fuels), part of which will fund conversions to the new energy that isn’t working.

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G20 logo

G20 Agrees to Global Vaccine Passports

Absent a government that pushed back, the twenty largest economies in the world have agreed to adopt vaccine passports “to facilitate seamless international travel, interoperability, and recognizing digital and no digital solutions, including proof of vaccinations.”

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Bank Starts Calculating Customers Carbon Footprints But Is Anyone Calculating the Bank’s?

One thing more accurate than any other when talking about the climate cult is emissions offshoring. Specifically, ignoring the carbon production required elsewhere to ‘Green’ up (on paper) here. But it also applies to the activity exerted in the name of forcing others to bow before the same alter against their will.

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world-earth technology image by geralt - pixaby

The Elimination of Top-Down Rule

Throughout history, since the inception of civilization itself, the masses have been ruled by the powerful, which, if honestly defined, are the most vicious. All ruling classes have established their rule through wanton savagery. If you don’t submit, you will be killed or incarcerated. Hence, we have our very own DC Gitmo.

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Globe Puppet master

Where Are We Headed? Will You Survive?

Today, the beginning of autumn, 2022, is an appropriate time to look back. I believe we are in extreme trouble; in fact, some sort of world collapse may be at hand. The following discussion is pitched at anyone who cares but lacks the time to research the particulars.

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WHO World Health Organization

Second and Third World Nations Save Us From Biden’s New World Health Order (NWHO)

There’s been a lot of noise behind the scenes about the Biden Administration’s proposed amendments to International Health Regulations overseen by the World Health Organization (WHO). The chickens have been clucking about it for weeks, with people losing their minds on both sides.

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world-earth technology image by geralt - pixaby

What is Biden’s New World Order

Was Joe Biden off prompter on Monday, or did he really mean to allude to a “new world order?” The phrase usually denotes a change in the geopolitical environment, but I am not sure Joe would recognize that shift.

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Money cash

Cause of Death: Hospitalization. COVID Hospitalization. Yup, You Read That Right.

Seems there’s a pretty big payday for hospitals if you’re classified with the virus! According to Attorney Thomas Renz and CMS, whistleblowers have calculated a total payment of at least $100,000 per Covid patient. Yup, you read that right.

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