popcorn Photo by David Hurley on Unsplash

Liberal Privilege Fail: White Dem Uses N-Word, White Dem Tries to Defend Her, Grab Some Popcorn …

Victimology politics just bit the New Hampshire Democrat Party in the Ass after far-Left BLM-ish activists accused a far-left BLM supporting Democrat of racial insensitivity. I smell popcorn.

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NH Liberty Alliance Supports Failed “Sex Work” Bill

House Bill 1176 would legalize prostitution as long as it is performed indoors in a place where the prostituted person has a right to be. At the public hearing last week, only one person spoke in favor of the bill, sponsor Rep. Max Abramson. Several people, including sex trafficking survivors, spoke passionately against it.

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Democrat umbrella covid cropped - Credit Union Leader

What do a NH Democrat and an Umbrella Have In Common? Both are Useless for Stopping COVID19

If an umbrella manufacturer claimed their product heightens the ability to protect yourself from the Coronavirus, what would happen?

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The Hypocrisy of Your Reps Who Chose to Kneel for the Anthem

At the September 16 House session for Veto Day, six Democrat state representatives kneeled during the national anthem, according to the NH GOP.

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Student clipboard peace sign

Here Come the Bigots

Nicole Klein Knight is a State Representative for Manchester’s Ward Four. As you might glean from this tweet, she is a Democrat: Nicole sees people not as individuals, but members of groups. If you are old; if you are white; if you are a man … you have no worth as a human being. That … Read more

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