On October 27, the New Hampshire Women’s Foundation is hosting a fundraising luncheon to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Title IX which prohibits sex-based discrimination in educational institutions that receive federal funding.
NH Women’s Foundation
Women Helping Men Dominate Women’s Sports
The self-proclaimed feminists of the New Hampshire Women’s Foundation have lost their way and no longer work to protect women’s rights. Instead, they consider any man who proclaims himself to be a woman to be eligible for women’s hard-fought-for rights, totally negating the purpose of having sex-specific rights for women.
Men Cheating To Win In Women’s Sports? Unthinkable!
“I feel there are some myths that might be created that people change their gender identity just to change sports teams,” said Jennifer Frizzell policy director for the New Hampshire Women’s Foundation as she testified against House Bill 1251 before the NH House Education Committee January 14.
NH Democrats and Women’s Foundation Once Again Lie about Equal Pay
Today, just like every year, Democrats and left-wing organizations like to make women believe they are somehow ‘victims of the patriarchy’ because they aren’t paid equally. These Democrats and organizations continue to use bogus statistics and studies to promote their lies. Every year they are reminded that they are lying and demeaning women by claiming … Read more