Guest Post by e.doG – “Gas Tax Lisping Fantasticos Just Give Me Gas”

by Skip is our most prolific commenters here on the ‘Grok who I first “met” over at TreeHugger (the Greenie Statist Enviro site that I go over to poke a stick into once in a while) – and he followed me “home”.  Located somewhere in this Live Free or Die State that we adore, he’s stayed around and brought his unique wordsmithing styling to the “Grok (to which we say “Thank you”):

Gas Tax Lisping Fantasticos Just Give Me Gas

After reading the latest download from New Hamster’s Democratic Machine to boost the “revenues” of the Grate State on the backs of those who reside and drive within its jurisdictional domain, once again I became flushed with questions.  But lo and behold, where I first read this boiler-plate proclamation at NH Insider – written by the esteemed Over-Lord who manages the town of Durham with mad skill –  there was no place to inquire of the mighty bureaucrat.  Evidently, Todd I. Selig considered his propaganda so invincible – so flawless – that he turned the comment feature off.  (“By order of the Royal Pompous Asses (clear throat) To all naives: There shall be no questioning of duly processed authority figures.  Pay the Man, take your seats, and shut up.”)  Now there’s a loud, a proud, and unquestionably, a correct-thinkin’ apparatchik.  I-Toddius reigns supreme!

First, order of business, Todd’s contribution to the “conversation” is really just recycled points from the Campbell playbook.  Reading over the pol megaphone snewspaper reports, which is repeated elsewhere and often by others on The Team, I-Toddius provides nothing new but more prattling – likely to score brownie points and get invites to swanky Liberatti festivities.

But I dither and linger.  On to the substance!

“This additional revenue would be placed in a separate fund within the constitutionally protected highway fund to be used exclusively for the construction, reconstruction, and maintenance of state and municipal roads and bridges – investment that will equate to good jobs across New Hampshire, particularly within the construction, engineering, paving, and aggregate industries.”  “The increase would also fund an additional $8.5 million per year for municipal bridge and highway aid programs, fully fund the I-93 widening project …”

Hey Todd-o –

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Ghost of Poznanski Arrest from 2009 Returns

Some stories have legs.  This one has at least 44 of them.  That would be both legs of former Democrat New Hampshire House Rep Brian Poznanski’s and the legs of 21 others, all busted for possession of alcohol (under age drinking), at a house party in Bedford, New Hampshire, circa Halloween 2009.

Poznanski was newly elected, and had already submitted a request for a bill that would allow under age drinkers caught drinking under age to avoid arrest if they sought “help.”  That request died with his arrest for, you guessed it, underage drinking.  That contradiction never made the local media as I recall but that should not surprise.  According to my buddy Ed Naile, there was quite a bit of reporting that did not get done regarding that same busted House party in Bedford.

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Nashua New Hampshire Democrat Rep. Cindy Rosenwald – Domiciles Out Of State “Stray Cats” Who Then Vote From Her Home

Nashua New Hampshire Democrat Cindy Rosenwald is back in the spotlight.  If you recall, she’s the one who admitted that her party not only knew it had left an 800 million dollar hole in the budget, but they planned to cut spending to fix it.  Well, now we find out that she knew there were out of state voters voting in New Hampshire, because at least one of them has been voting from her Nashua Address since at least 2007.

Vote From Here - At Cindy Rosenwald's House

Ed Nail at NH Insider just reported on the voting history of a professional Democrat Campaign lackey by the name of Paolo Cozzi.    Mr. Cozzi lived on Clement Street in Sommerville, Massachusetts (Update- He is now currently living in DC).  But they had more than enough Democrats living in MA, so in 2007, 2008 and 2012, Paolo Cozzi hopped on the commuter rail (hey, that’s why Liberals want rail service to Nashua), or got in his Obama-mobile–(Cozzi is employed in the service of OFA)–and put his vote to better use by claiming to live at 101 Wellington Street in Nashua, New Hampshire, the home of Democrat House Rep. Cindy Rosenwald.

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Much Ado About Something

“The White House cannot arbitrarily amend federal contractor requirements without a vote in Congress. This is an end-run around the constitutional process, with the Obama Administration once again attempting to implement administratively what it cannot achieve legislatively,” Wilson declared.

Defining Blue Dog Democrats

Once you have written over 1000 of these things, you forget some of the finer points you’ve made. Oh, I don’t mean on positions or policy. I’m a conservative. I base that stuff on a set of fixed standards. Say it 100 different ways but it is still based on the same core values. No, I’m referring to past rhetorical flourishes that strike me as amusing when I come across them. Case in point.

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