More: NH GOP Chair saga – The Beat goes on

It is looking, more and more, that while Gov. Sununu’s legacy is going to include his successes such as being Governor, White House Chief of Staff, and the job that he has done as NH GOP Chair, added to the negative of having to resign from being WH CoS will be this slow motion explosion of hand picking a successor for NH GOP Chair. Frankly, it is looking like what happened to Obama (nominating person after person who turned out to be tax cheaters) may well be happening to Sununu in a different fashion – a failure to do proper vetting. Why do I say this?

I’ve had a number of pieces of information come my way – mostly from other conservatives rather peeved over the railroading process that is now happening and challenging the "conservative cred" of Juliana Bergeron.  One such story shows a problem with several of the "Sununu Values" from his letter – it follows:

The time is the Spring of ’09 when a number of Swanzey residents were at a Cheshire County GOP meeting (Juliana Bergeron, Chair; Bill Hutwelker, Vice-Chair).  Seeing a sufficient number of folks, they decided to form a Town GOP Committee.  They elected a Chair, Vice Chair, and a treasurer and met through the rest of 2009.

Well, problems started soon after at the Town GOP level.  The Swanzey Chair said she was having a problem with Bill Hutwelker (who supports gay marriage supporter and is a social liberal).  He wanted to run for state rep again – and was asking the Town Chair’s support.  Unfortunately, there was a sticking point – his liberal stance.  Thus, a battle ensued in which, the Town Chair being a true Conservative,  support was denied  due to that social attitude.  His insistence was such that at the end, she no longer wanted to talk or work with him. 

A few months passed with no meetings held because of the remaining enmity.  However,  Hutwelker decided, as County Vice-chair, that he was going to start his own Town meetings, and called such a meeting.  The Town Chair called him out on it with the NH GOP Platform in hand with the Town Vice-Chair in attendance, and a whole lot of new folks that previously had never attended in the past. 

It became clear from the start that this was an attempted coup over a difference of political outlook; he was not willing to support the Platform and the Town Chair made the argument that he was not in favor of the Platform.  In fact the claim was that he was trying to skew the group away from the fact that the Platform is the actual set of beliefs of the NH GOP.

I tend to agree – it is the written contract of, and the basis of, what makes up the philosophical base of the GOP.  Why belong to the Party when you do not believe in its tenets?  And this is where it begins to affect this current NH GOP Chair race – as Sununu said, the Chair must support the Platform.

What about when a candidate for the Chair refuses to support the Platform wholeheartedly?

At that point, Juliana Bergeron stepped in where Hutwelker had left off and SHE started to rant about and against the PlatformHer claim was that that very few people were in agreement with it, that she didn’t not want to hear about it all, and that they had to forget about the social issues entirely [as Papa Sununu said, we should] and ONLY focus on the fiscal.  It was obvious that not only did the Platform have no status, she wanted it to have no role whatsoever.

She, at this time, admitted to have voted against traditional marriage as outlined in the Platform. "A lot of us are not for that" indicating that 49% also voted against traditional marriage in the Platform.

At that point in time, the coup plan was triggered…

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Sununu’s Successor “Chosen?”

James Pindell is reporting that Governor Sununu plans to endorse Cheshire County Republican Chair Juliana Bergeron as his replacement in what seems to be a power sharing deal that allows Governor Sununu to exercise the “You better choose the right person” clause from his formal letter to the party. (Which Skip went over here)

Gov. Sununu IS NOT Running for GOP Chair

Politco has the scoop. Thank you Governor for taking my advice, not that you necessarily took it from me.   And Thank you for your service. Now let us find a worthy replacement.

Holiday Reception and Christmas Cards for the Troops…


This Wednesday, December 8, Ambassador and Mrs. Joseph Petrone cordially invite everyone to join them at a Holiday Reception, in honor of Jennifer Horn, with special guests, Ovide Lamontagne and John Stephen.

The Petrone’s ask you to "please join us to ring in the holidays and honor Jennifer for her commitment to the people of the Granite State and congratulate her on bringing character and integrity to politics."

In addition, you will have the unique opportunity to fill out Christmas cards for the members of the New Hampshire National Guard who are serving our country in Afghanistan.  This is a great way to show your support for our brave citizen-soldiers – who are also our neighbors.

Wednesday, Dec 8th, 2010
Sky Meadow Country Club
6 Mountain Laurels Drive, Nashua, NH

A minimum admission contribution of $50 is suggested.
Please RSVP

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Just Do It!

NHGOP LogoI am growing weary of this game.  We can no longer wait for the current NH State GOP chairman to tell us once and for all what his intentions are.  I’m not even sure why we are waiting. GraniteGrok has video of the announced retirement from the Cornerstone Dinner.

Governor Sununu announced that after this election he was retiring.  What happened on November second that does not constitute a complete political coup?  The only office the democrats hold is the governorship, but our victory was so complete that this no longer even matters.

So what is left for a seasoned New Hampshire politician to do?

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I didn’t know that Nepotism was a part of the Platform…

I have one thing to say – with the following news, and with other Movement Conservative names dropping out, it is time to say it:

Draft Jennifer Horn for NH GOP Chair

Haven’t paid the paywall price, but some of what Pindell has up is free for us poor eyeballs (emphasis mine):

James Sununu, a political and business consultant, is seriously considering a run for New Hampshire Republican Party Chair if his father John H. Sununu officially declines to seek another term, has learned.

You know, way back when, I made no points with the Sununu clan when I pointed out that Shaheen was shaping the political battlefield as Son #1 did nothing for a campaign. Did that post spur him into finally turning on spigot in keeping his Senatorial seat?  Who knows?  Was his elongated silence as Shaheen clobbered him for a couple of months a factor in the race?  Most likely.  My post?  Hardly….other than it got picked up, at the time, by a couple of DC based publications.

Son #2 is now an Executive Councilor – congratulations (really!).  Serve well.

But this is a bit much. First Juliana Bergeron’s name was floated out as being "The Pick".  Now, Son #3’s name?  Another handpicked name for successor?  Let’s be fair – Gov. Sununu has done a lot of good work the last two years cleaning up the mess that the previous Chair left (fled?).  And the ‘Grok thanks him for it – with many thanks and heartily given.  But also "let’s be clear, here";…

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An Important Letter to New Republican Members of the New Hampshire General Court

On Sunday, October 31st, Erick Erickson posted "An Open Letter to the Freshman Republican Victors" who are about to be elected to Congress. To me, the future of New Hampshire is more important.

In New Hampshire the majority Democrats and their leader Gov. Lynch have done enormous damage over the past four years. The General Court—both House and Senate—will be at the forefront of mending the damage. Accordingly, I’m going to "copy" Erickson’s letter, but change it to apply to the freshman Republicans about to be elected in New Hampshire. Please read it, and send send it to every GOP candidate you know. As Erickson said: "I am putting this up the Sunday before the election because in the noise and hubbub after the election it will be drowned out and it is very, very important."

Please read on:

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Hey! I should be on the “Extreme 16” too…


As Skip wrote here, "the protestations have begun", with a number of candidates for the New Hampshire Legislature NOT being included in the "Extreme 16" bracket, established by Mary Jane Wellner and Marjorie Smith, who head the Committee to elect House Democrats.

I wrote a letter to Mary and Marjorie, thanking them for highlighting a crop of our Conservative Patriots, who value the principles of small government, fiscal responsibility, individual liberties, and Constitutional adherence!  I also mentioned that they should have called it the "Extreme 300", since there are SO many folks out there running for the NH House and Senate, who qualify for this bracket.  I listed a handful of candidates that I could think of, off the top of my head, not meaning to include them all.  Well, a few people that I did miss replied and said "Hey!, I should be on that list too!".

One of them was Andrew Manuse, who responded to Mary and Marjorie, in the fashion of Ed Mosca.  Here is Andrew’s fine letter to them: (after the jump)

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The ‘Grok interviews Bill O’Brien – Part 5

This is Part 5 of GraniteGrok’s interview with Bill O’Brien who is running for Speaker of the NH House of Representatives from the "Liberty and Freedom" wing of the NH GOP. Question asked: Previously: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4

NH GOP Convention: Chair, John Sununu

Yesterday, the NH GOP held it’s Convention where the winners of the Primary races had the chance to speak to the Delegates, Press, and Guests.  In addition, several amendments to the Party Platform were offered, discussion, and voted upon. In this clip, Chairman (and former NH Gov.) John Sununu gives his intro address to the … Read more

NH GOP Convention: Kerry Marsh, Chair of the NHYR

The next speaker was Kerry Marsh who is the Chair of the New Hampshire Young Republicans – and that is a growing group of folks!  In fact, the best line "You know it is going to be a good Republican year when you’re my age and it’s cool to be Conservative again!" and these are … Read more

NH GOP Convention: Phyllis Woods, RNC Committeewoman from NH

One of my favorite people in the NH Grand Old Party is Phyllis Woods – a veteran within the Party, she has always been a stalwart ally of the grassroots and conservatives wing within the NH GOP.  I’ve always found her to have a willing ear and better year, a sharp tongue (when needed) toward … Read more

NH GOP Convention: The candidates for Congress

Frank Guinta, Charlie Bass, and Kelly Ayotte also gave their addresses to to NH GOP State Delegates.  Of the three, I do believe that Frank gave the best address (and yes, I’m a bit biased in that outlook) but hey, that’s why the ‘Grok goes to the event, the ‘Grok does the work, the ‘Grok does the presenting, but YOU get to decide!

In fact, let us know who did the best of these three running for Congress:

Who gave the better speech?
Kelly Ayotte
Charlie Bass
Frank Guinta free polls

The Videos:


Kelly Ayotte, US Senate               Frank Guinta, NH CD-1

Charlie Bass is after the jump:

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NH GOP Convention: John Stephen

Yesterday, the NH GOP held it’s Convention at the Capital Center for the Arts in Concord, NH.  A status of the Party was given, a discussion of the amendments to the Platform took place, and the Primary winning candidates for major office spoke to the crowd. Here, John Stephen, the Republican nominee for NH Governor … Read more

NH GOP Convention – Keynote Speaker: Mitt Romney

The last speaker of the day at yesterday’s NH GOP Convention at the Capital Center for the Arts in Concord, NH was former MA Governor Mitt Romney.  Confident in his manner, much of the talk was "folksy" in delivery, but there are a few times when he allowed glimpses of future plans (of which, talking … Read more

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