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Newsweek Publishes COVID Almost Apology – Apology

Not much good can be said about the publication Newsweek, but for reasons not yet clear, it has allowed an opinion piece by Scott Atlas to appear under its banner. Something of an almost apology, apology.

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Newsweeks Fake headline

Governor Sununu’s Office Please Call Newsweek for a Correction – This Headline is a Lie

Our apologies for the Sununsauraus of stories on our lyin’ governor but every time we try to get out, ‘They’ drag us back in. This time it is FakeNewsweek. Their headline reads, “Republican Governor Cancels Inauguration After Receiving Armed Threats Over Mask Order.”

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termination you're fired

Newsweek Reporter Who Lied About President Trump’s Thanksgiving Day Plans Fired (And Other Good News)

Newsweek political reporter Jessica Kwong wrote a story last week. In it, she reported that Mr. Trump’s Thanksgiving plans were to tweet and play golf. It didn’t happen.

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