A Small Victory for Liberty

In an opinion released this morning, the NH Supreme Court reversed an order of the Superior Court that had dismissed a suit brought against the Speaker of the NH House challenging the adoption of a rule that prohibited members of the House from carrying or possessing weapons anywhere in the Statehouse. The putative basis for … Read more

To: New Hampshire State Supreme Court, From: Coalition of NH Taxpayers Chairman, Ed Naile

To: New Hampshire State Supreme Court
From: Coalition of NH Taxpayers Chairman, Ed Naile
8 North Main St. Concord, NH 03301
Re: Court Review of NH Election Law Legislation
Date: May 29, 2018

M E M O R A N D U M    OF    L A W

Statement of Facts:

New Hampshire has a practice of allowing citizens of other states to vote in New Hampshire during our General Elections, which includes elections for Federal office. This practice has increased in volume since the adoption of same-day registration in 1996. Any person, from any state, who has attained the age of 18 can simply show proof identity to register to vote in New Hampshire, including a current, valid, out-of-state driver’s license. The registrant simply signs an affidavit as per RSA 654:12. It is known as a: QUALIFIED VOTER AFFIDAVIT.

The Attorney General’s Office, Elections Division, is tasked with enforcing election laws as per RSA 7:6 c. This office may prosecute – at its discretion.

There has been a decade’s old state of confusion regarding the terms “domicile” and “resident” which has been the source of several lawsuits regarding out-of-state college voters and transient campaign workers who choose to vote in New Hampshire instead of their legal residence in their home state.

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