Enes Kanter

A Man of Courage and Conviction

Enes Kanter Freedom is a man who may have more love of America and freedom than most natural-born Americans. His story is impressive, from growing up in Turkey to coming to America to play the game he loves, basketball.

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Slave Labor Pays

Chinese Slave Labor Pays the NBA

There’s a terrible optic out there for the NBA. It appears slave labor pays for the NBA in China. Don’t you just love professional sports these days? Neither do I. The National Basketball Association is full if hypocritical social justice warriors. Don’t misunderstand. They believe what they say… for as long as they are talking. … Read more

NBA logo

NBA, MLB Ratings Crash After Protest-Filled Debuts

by Skip

People want to watch sports and not be preached at for the length of an entire game (or in the case of NASCAR, for 300, 400 miles). With the NFL sending signals that they are going to also be Social Justice Preachers, I’m betting that will add to the decreased revenues as well.

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