Mao Suites Historical photo

NH-NeverTrump … Wash, Rinse, Repeat

There is a truly remarkable … remarkable for its, at best, lack of substance and, at worst, casual disregard for facts … op-ed in the Union “Leader” (should be Misleader) regurgitating the same stale NeverTrump arguments against Trump that have failed to resonate for months. Here it is and then some comments: First, how ironic … Read more

Ron DeSantis Vaccine Roundtable

Petty And Stupid

Quick … two words to describe Ron DeSantis’ New Hampshire surrogates. If you picked PETTY and STUPID … bingo! These people aren’t serious about winning the next election. At best, they are serious about grifting and winning control of the NHGOP.

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Soldiers helicopter

An Incredibly Stupid Take On The Coming Trump Indictment (Jan. 6th)

An awful lot of stupid tweets flow from DeSantis’ New Hampshire twitter-surrogates. For example, there was Jason Osborne’s silly claim that voters simply vote straight-ticket based on their choice for top-of-the-ticket and that, therefore, Trump as the nominee in 2024 guaranteed a Democrat majority in the New Hampshire House. Jason apparently has some issues with … Read more

NH State House - Free Images

Keep Politics Out Of Emergencies

In 2021, a group of state representatives angled to have a bill reforming New Hampshire’s state of emergency laws included in the state budget. It became the single issue that the budget debate hinged on. We were partially successful but not completely.

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Rebuild NH

Parent Bill of Rights Fails

I dislike reporting on such bad news, but SB 272, the parent bill of rights, failed in the House. After a series of floor amendments gutted this bill, rendering it impotent and actually harmful to parental rights (see director’s report for more detail), the bill was voted “Indefinitely Postponed,” which means it can not be brought up again until 2025.

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Rebuild NH

Upcoming Judicial Appointments

In New Hampshire, judges are nominated by the Governor and confirmed by the Executive Council. The mandatory retirement age for a judge is 70 years old. This year, Supreme Court Justice Hicks will reach mandatory retirement, and the process of replacing him will begin.

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Rebuild NH

Foster Family Vaccine Bill Take Action Today

HB 408 would make it so that the families of foster children would not be mandated to be fully vaccinated to the ACIP schedule without exemptions (current requirement for fostering a child under the age of 6). The bill was supposed to be voted on in committee last week but was pushed off to this week.

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Rebuild NH

Support Bill to Ban Social Credit Scores

I apologize for the last-minute email, but these bills snuck past me, even though our own treasurer, JR Hoell, co-sponsored HB 225. While both of these bills tackle the same issue, I personally feel that HB 225 is likely a better solution.

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