NH-NeverTrump … Wash, Rinse, Repeat

There is a truly remarkable … remarkable for its, at best, lack of substance and, at worst, casual disregard for facts … op-ed in the Union “Leader” (should be Misleader) regurgitating the same stale NeverTrump arguments against Trump that have failed to resonate for months. Here it is and then some comments:

First, how ironic that the very people claiming that Trump-voters are quasi-cultists begin their “op-ed” by sounding like cultists … “Governor Chris Sununu has been right about many things … “. Really? Like COVID? Oh, I’m sorry NH-NeverTrump … I forgot. It’s actually Trump’s fault that the mighty Sun-King locked down New Hampshire.

Next, there are NO facts presented to show that the Special Election turned on Trump. A far more likely explanation is that the NHGOP just SUCKS at electioneering. The NHGOP lost seats in the 2022 midterms. But that’s Trump’s fault, according to NH-NeverTrump. And if the NHGOP had won seats in the 2022 midterms, as the Party out-of-power (in terms of the Presidency) is supposed to? Well … that would have been explained by NH-NeverTrump as … DESPITE Trump we managed to blah, blah, blah. These people are conspiracy-theorists. Everything, according to them, proves “Orange-Man bad.”

Next, note how NH-NeverTrump legitimizes the Democrats’ law-fare against Trump … “Trump’s been found liable for fraud … It’s now documented that his financial empire is bogus and illegitimate.” Anyone with even cursory knowledge of this case knows that it is bullish*t … Mar a Lago worth only $18 million? Only a corrupt Democrat-judge could make such a finding. Indeed, NH-NeverTrump is essentially trafficking Democrat lies when it makes outrageous, demonstrably false claims like this.

Note, also, how insulting NH-NeverTrump is to the voters they have failed to persuade … “[t]he fealty that members of the Trump cult offer to the former president continues to perplex”, “[w]hen will the scales fall from the eyes of Trump’s Granite State supporters”. Does NH-NeverTrump even realize how condescending and obnoxious they sound?

And then there’s more Trump-deranged, at best fact-free claims … Trump lost the House in 2018 (had nothing to do with Paul Ryan and his ilk refusing to fund the border-wall) … Trump lost the Senate in 2020 (had nothing to do with the 2020 election being rigged) … the “Trumpsters” took out Kelly Ayotte in 2016 (had nothing to with with Ayotte spending most of her term as McCain’s sidekick pushing for endless wars and then spending the last year voting with Shaheen to … you know … appeal to the undeclared voters). Everything is Trump’s fault … EVERYTHING!!!

The truth, Melissa, is that you NeverTrump people are living in a parallel universe. GOP-voters do NOT want to return to the pre-2016 endless-war, got-to-get-the-wine-mom-vote, Bush/McCain/Romney GOP.

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