February 22th Executive Council, Covid Spending Spree Report

For the meeting on February 22nd, here is the following item the Executive Council is set to approve related to Covid-19 spending:

  • Authorize to amend an existing contract with On-site Medical Services, LLC, Claremont, NH (originally approved by G&C on 9/21/22, Item #13), to continue to administer COVID-19 vaccines, and other vaccines, as directed by the Department, and to provide COVID-19 telehealth services for oral therapeutics, by exercising a renewal option with no change to the price limitation of $9,375,000 and extending the completion date from February 28, 2023 to August 31, 2023.
  • Authorize to accept and expend additional Federal Revenue in the amount of $51,508,288 to support anticipated costs of the increase in Medicaid caseload resulting from COVID-19 pandemic. (2) Further authorize the allocation of the funds as detailed in the letter dated January 23, 2023.
  • Authorize the Division of Economic Development to enter into a contract with Guidehouse, Inc., Boston, MA in the amount of $2,325,000 in American Rescue Plan Act Capital Project Funds for consultation services for the Coronavirus Capital Projects Fund administered by the US Treasury. Effective upon G&C approval through February 21, 2026.
  • Authorize to enter into a subgrant with the Barrington Police Department, in an amount not to exceed $100,000, from the Federal American Rescue Plan Act, to support municipalities and state agencies with activities related to relaxed COVID-19 restrictions. Effective upon G&C approval through June 30, 2023.
  • Grand Total: $63,308,288


I know this is the same action item as the last meeting, but it’s going to take a repeated effort to move the needle.

According to government databases, one child under the age of eighteen years old has died with Covid in New Hampshire, while there are VAERS reports showing four children in the same age group died subsequent to Covid-19 vaccination in New Hampshire. These are horrific statistics.

Please email your Executive Councilor and demand that they pause Covid-19 related expenditures to the Department of Health and Human Services until the department retracts their recommendation to vaccinate children against Covid-19 and stops state distribution of these shots to minors.


Not sure who your Executive Council member is? Check here.

Towards Liberty,

Melissa Blasek
Executive Director, RebuildNH

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