Everyone, if you’re not a member of the main email list of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and you’re a libertarian, a conservative or a libertarian-conservative political activist, you may owe it to yourself to go over to the list and sign up. Right now there’s a helluva battle going on, and its implications ripple out far enough that I want a wider audience to understand. (Full Disclosure: Dan McGuire is a friend of mine, and one of the best libertarian-conservative political activists coming up through the ranks of the GOP in New Hampshire. I’m going to help him in any way possible to get elected to the state house this year.)

Dan McGuire


I would like to suggest that the RLCNH list be reserved for matters of NH politics.  Lately it has been spammed many times a day by Tim (and others) with irrelevant stuff.  Here’s a list:

  16039 Gun control that really works! Gun control that really works! Tim Condon Offlinesuggesto Jun 23, 2010
  16040 The Republican Party is about to GROW UP The Republican Party is about to GROW UP Tim Condon Offlinesuggesto Jun 23, 2010
  16046 It’s those bothersome Christians causing trouble again It’s those bothersome Christians causing trouble again Tim Condon Offlinesuggesto Jun 23, 2010
  16063 Fwd: Military 101 — A Liberal Guide to the Military Fwd: Military 101 — A Liberal Guide to the Military Tim Condon Offlinesuggest
Jun 29, 2010
  16081 The lawlessness of the socialists The lawlessness of the socialists Tim Condon Offlinesuggesto Jul 1, 2010
  16083 We Must All Vote Democratic this November…. We Must All Vote Democratic this November…. Tim Condon Offlinesuggesto Jul 1, 2010
  16084 They want THIS PERSON on the U.S. Supreme Court? They want THIS PERSON on the U.S. Supreme Court? Tim Condon Offlinesuggesto Jul 1, 2010
  16094 The Titanic, ramming speed, and what to do about America The Titanic, ramming speed, and what to do about America Tim Condon Offlinesuggesto Jul 2, 2010
  16097 Obama handles the oil spill… Obama handles the oil spill… Tim Condon Offlinesuggesto Jul 2, 2010
Fortunately, Tim didn’t post during PorcFest and we got a break.  I’m guilty of this kind of thing on occasion, but this level is just ridiculous.  

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“One of the only people in the state that actually presents budgets at a municipal level that have actually been cutting spending. And that message has resonated with the people.”

Mayor Frank Guinta (GG file photo) Quick, name a leading NH Republican leading the charge both in word and deed in the area of spending? Who has repeatedly stuck his neck out for the conservative approach to governing, resulting in certifiable ballot box success, even in the present climate? You know who I’m talking about. … Read more

Breaking News: Republican steps forward to challenge Democrat State Senator Sgambati in District 4

Laconia City Councilor Greg Knytych announced this morning on Meet the New Press radio that he will challenge the Democratic incumbent NH Senator Kathleen Sgambati for the District 4 seat. As I type this, and Skip continues to interview Greg live on the radio here are a couple points Greg raises: Keep NH values Defend … Read more

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