Breaking News: Republican steps forward to challenge Democrat State Senator Sgambati in District 4


Laconia City Councilor Greg Knytych announced this morning on Meet the New Press radio that he will challenge the Democratic incumbent NH Senator Kathleen Sgambati for the District 4 seat. As I type this, and Skip continues to interview Greg live on the radio here are a couple points Greg raises:

Keep NH values

Defend NH Advantage.

Keep taxes low.

Another really cool thing, other than that Greg is a good conservative, HE IS A BLOGGER! Visit him at the Blogging Councilor for more and this post for his official announcement…


Update: The link to Greg’s announcement on Meet The New Press can be listened to here, or use the handy player below:

The full podcast post for the show will be up later on this weekend. 

Update 2: More at Now!




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