mind with rubbish poured into it pexels-shvets-production-7203718

Notable Quote – For Adolescent Minds Only

Political correctness and so many of the political fashions of our day – from academic feminism to cultural studies to queer theory – could only be perpetrated on adolescent minds: minds, that is, that are trained to search out one thing and one thing only:

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Live With Liz – the extended version

Extended because I’m usually on the phone and only for 15-20 minutes a segment. This past Wednesday was different as Liz invited me into her studio for the entire hour of her show. It was FUN!

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Life with Liz – I will be co-hosting the show with Liz Gabert

I haven’t sat behind a mic in quite some time so this ought to be fun! Normally I call in twice a month on Mondays but tomorrow I’ll be on for the show starting at 11 am.  We just planned out my time with Liz and this is what we came up with (in no particular order):

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ACTION ALERT! The “Windham Incident” Update / Learn What YOU Can Do!

I believe the audit for the “Windham Incident” has lost all credibility because there is no way for observers to observe in a meaningful manner.  “Trust but verify” is difficult, and in many cases impossible.  While the AG’s office and auditors have responded to some concerns, they have repeatedly ignored most legitimate requests for transparency.

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