“This is a Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America”

An interview with a Democrat, Biden’s base, and the Antifa idea. “The masses will fall.  They will fall in line” They hate America. Here is their Constitution (if it could be called one).

The goal of socialism is communism

Face the Truth About Socialism

It is time for Bernie and all the people thinking of supporting him to face the truth about Socialism. Socialism works in opposition to liberty. It destroys free societies. America today faces a wide array of threats with one commonality: They all oppose American freedom.

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Dan Feltes Income Tax

Dan Feltes’ Income tax

NH State Senator Dan Felts refuses to admit that his mandatory Paid Family Medical Leave act which will apply a 0.5% tax on a worker’s income, is just that – an income tax. And sooo…. The advertisement highlights Senate Majority Leader Dan Feltes’ fervent support for the creation a mandatory income tax, hidden under the … Read more

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