Tim put up this post, urging movement Libertarians to consider how they’d be voting on Tuesday:
If you are a libertarian, or if you are a Free Stater, or if you just believe in limited government, individual freedom, and personal responsibility….
David Mamet, the famed playwright that was hard Left and just veered Right after finally realizing what the results of the Left have done, put it another way (even as he was speaking to Liberal Jews, it fits here):
Are you prepared to explain to your children not the principles upon which your vote is cast, but its probable effects upon them?
Go read the whole thing. Tim’s post started a bit of a conversation on Facebook and I waded in (note: I’ve not been active on FB for a while but given the tenor (pretty much, I “went there”. Now Leah was the main respondent and we’ve been friendly ever since we met when the TEA Party decided to “meet & greet” back in 2009 when Obama sojourned to Portsmouth, NH. On FB, she expressed an attitude that many Libertarians seem to hold: both Romney and Obama are pretty much communists and there’s no difference between them (and many view Romney as actually being worse). The comment that set me off was one about Romney not being able to reverse what Obama has done:
“He is not a king, and cannot just make a pronouncement that he declares a law null and void.“
Have you not been paying attention!! What the heck do you think Obama has actually been doing???? My response (edited to be more bloggish and a bit more expanded here):