FaceBook Doodlings: Libertarians & Free Staters: let me amplify what Tim said about Tuesday

Tim put up this post, urging movement Libertarians to consider how they’d be voting on Tuesday:

If you are a libertarian, or if you are a Free Stater, or if you just believe in limited government, individual freedom, and personal responsibility….

David Mamet, the famed playwright that was hard Left and just veered Right after finally realizing what the results of the Left have done, put it another way (even as he was speaking to Liberal Jews, it fits here):

Are you prepared to explain to your children not the principles upon which your vote is cast, but its probable effects upon them?

Go read the whole thing.  Tim’s post started a bit of a conversation on Facebook and I waded in (note: I’ve not been active on FB for a while but given the tenor (pretty much, I “went there”.  Now Leah was the main respondent and we’ve been friendly ever since we met when the TEA Party decided to “meet & greet” back in 2009 when Obama sojourned to Portsmouth, NH.  On FB, she expressed an attitude that many Libertarians seem to hold:  both Romney and Obama are pretty much communists and there’s no difference between them (and many view Romney as actually being worse).  The comment that set me off was one about Romney not being able to reverse what Obama has done:

He is not a king, and cannot just make a pronouncement that he declares a law null and void.

Have you not been paying attention!!  What the heck do you think Obama has actually been doing????  My response (edited to be more bloggish and a bit more expanded here):

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If you are a libertarian, or if you are a Free Stater, or if you just believe in limited government, individual freedom, and personal responsibility….

…and you plan on voting for anyone other than Mitt Romney—or if you plan on not voting at all, on principle—then please watch this video.   —Tim Condon

Life, No Matter How Inconvenient….Matters

Bill Maher has done us a great service.  He has spoken the truth.  He has uttered a core “value” of the left, one that goes back more than a century.

“I do believe in more DNA testing. My motto is let’s kill the right people. I’m pro-choice, I’m for assisted suicide, I’m for regular suicide, I’m for whatever gets the freeway moving – that’s what I’m for. It’s too crowded – the planet is too crowded – and we need to promote death.”

This is the kind of refreshing honesty you can’t get from most Democrats because they are afraid you will be horrified by it and never elect them to office.  But this is who they are.  And you should be horrified, and you should not elect them to office, because Maher’s honesty exposes the lefts  intellectual roots.  This is a party descended from eugenicists whose support for abortion and “end of life decisions” is based on a desire to “people” their inevitable man-made utopia with only the best the human race has to offer (as defined by them), and to use the power of the state to reduce the burden of any life that could be or has come to be inconvenient to that end.

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A reply to a commenter on Steve’s “About All that Ron Paul business…”

which can be found here concerning the RNC, delegates, Ron Paul speaking / not speaking, nomination, and the like.  His problem was not with Ron Paul but with his supporters.  I concur (having had to deal with nastiness of some even back in 2008).  So he (and I) expected some commenters in opposition and our expectations were met.

Given the set up here at the ‘Grok, I also get notification (and have to approve / disapprove) of comments inbound on all the posts.  Given that Steve’s post was almost a month old, when a comment by RageFury came in today, I spent the time reading that long comment in which much time had to have been spent.  But one line:

“I previously thought you guys were better than this…”

caught my eye and of course I had to answer:

“nor will I vote for Obama who only gets a potential 4 more years of horrible country crushing policy” and ” I previously thought you guys were better than this.”

To the former – to use that old phrase: “You ain’t see nothing yet!”  Obama has figured out that with the Senate locked up by Reid, and the House Rs cowering behind the idea that they’d be responsible for a shutdown if they even thought about growing a spine, Obama has become enamored with doing what he wants without Congress – an FDR on steroids by issuing declaration upon decree.  He has become addicted to being a dictator – he knows that he can do what ever he wants NOW and when the Courts nullify a Dept decree, the Secretary of the Dept just uses another way to do it all again (e.g., Salazar in stopping drilling in the Gulf, the NLRB’s actions, and the FCC at doing Net Neutrality by other means, just to name three).  Recent History is very much predictive of what he will do the next four – only much faster, much bigger and FAR more Liberty destroying than this first term.  You think he’s packed on the Debt thus far?  His next target, already under attack, is Liberty and Freedom and he is well on the way to destroying that.

And you, RageFury, among others that will not pull the lever for Obama’s enemy…

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As the culture turns: What is cool? (Hint: It ain’t liberals and modern liberalism….)

On the left, thinks he's cool. On the right, is cool....

This from Roger Simon at PJ Media, who collars those who still think modern liberalism (aka statism) is cool. It’s not, and hasn’t been for some time. Everyone with the proverbial IQ above room temperature has come to the same conclusion. While that’s interesting, what is far more interesting is the political cohort that Simon fingers as today’s cool….

So go on. Guess. Can’t? Okay. In retrospect, it’s a head-slapper. Why? Because “cool” today is just about as opposite as you can get from modern statist liberalism, aka “yesterday’s cool.” After all, today’s cool people are all…

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WMUR Closeup for 6/10/2012: in which NH Rep David Hess decides to widen the chasm in the Republican Party by insulting it on TV

Unbelievable – do the Establishment Republicans feel THAT secure that Hess can openly insult NH Seth Cohn on TV – and all those that ascribe to many of the same stances?  I am sorely wishing to violate my own standards to use a four letter Yiddish word that ends in “z” – but I shan’t (cute way not to violate my “adult themes, kid friendly rule; maybe I should have Seth explain it to him).

One of the big problems within the NH GOP is this divide: why be a Republican when you won’t speak, act, or vote like one?  Given that the TEA Party / 9-12ers / Libertarian part of the Party gave new spirit in the last election and a new attitude, why are you going to take them publicly to task?  Do you REALLY think that you can “muscle” votes out of these folks just on your whim?  Are you nuts?  Or do you have so little sense of the movement that you have forgotten that the TEA Party started out hating the Republicans first because they thought you all knew better than what you showed?

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In A Van Jones Down By The River

Van Jones.  Saying stuff just to say it.  Like, “Libertarians hate Brown folk, Gays, and Lesbians.”  Yeah, right.   Not. Did he say ‘Brown Folk?’  Who the hell still talks like that?  

Email Doodlings – Libertarians HAVE finally made a political impact – are they about to throw it away?

I’ve been in a writing funk for a while now – too many targets, no focus, trying to run for re-election in my town, a couple of other projects, and I find myself stretched too thin (yeah, self-induced again).  However, the following came over the gunwales a few minutes ago, and the fog (smog?) that has settled in cleared for a few minutes rather quickly to respond:


“I would also say of Ron Paul . he doesn’t need to win. In his view he is  winning already. This is an ideological point he is making. But here’s why  it’s electorally significant . a lot of people, I mean 41 percent in  Virginia, only two people on the ballot, still a lot of people voted for  Ron Paul. A lot of those voters are portable. They’re not Republican .  they’re not dedicated Republican voters.” . Tucker Carlson, Editor, The  Daily Caller

It is time for a groundswell of Ron Paul supporters to quietly,  respectfully but firmly make their position clear to the mainstream media  and the GOP establishment. Simply put, “No Paul on the ticket means no  vote for the GOP in November.”

Alright, I’ll say it – with all of the levers of the Executive Branch at his command, and his willingness to use them regardless of whether he has Constitutional or even legal authorization to have them do the actions he wants, how much of this Country will be left?  In the news and in the blogosphere, I see agency and department in the Executive Branch doing what bureaucracies have always done – push their authorizations to do more and more.  And lately, there is a very disturbing trend that, under Obama (knowing that there will NEVER be retribution from him from doing so), they are making rules and regulations that totally disregard their authorizing legislation.

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“The debate in the Republican Party should be between the conservatives and the libertarians.”

So says Sen. Jim DeMint, and he’s right. Here’s why Republicans must become more libertarian.

Libertarian View Of the Republican Party

I find this both accurate and amusing.

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