We’re Not Coming For Your Guns

common-sense gun safety?

“Nobody is coming to take your Guns.”  Who said it? Actually, I should ask, “Who said it first?” Here in the Granite State, The answer would be most of the Democratic Candidates who have run for public office within the last ten years. The short answer is that nearly everybody said it.

Yet, here they are, marching toward full gun control and full registration of firearms. History is a mindful teacher, telling us that eventual gun confiscation will follow. Looking back fifty or more years, we witnessed this in England, Australia and most recently, New Zealand.

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Leftist Pseudonym Writers

Pseudonyms. Fake Names. False Information brokers. “I’ll take irrational people that run publications for one-hundred, Alex.” Yes Indeed. I do believe the Seacoast Online has indeed created a pseudonym in order to put forth a narrative. On Friday, March 15 Seacoast Online posted a Letter to the editor, penned by one “Dr. Linda Rhodes, Durham, … Read more

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