Rashida Tlaib Koran

Why are Leftists and Islam Allied?

What’s the danger? Today we are at a place where we have two immediate enemies of our civilization. The far enemy is political Islam. The near enemy is the political left. Of the two the Left, is by far, the more immediately harmful. The Left is more fully embedded in our civilization. As a recognized … Read more

The relativism of the Left

Not relevance, just relativism. I’m getting to be at the point where I’m at a loss for words. I do dryly note that while the “man of 2018” above competed in a beauty contest and lost, he did beat out 20 actual women in the final rankings. Imagine being one of those ladies, trying one’s hardest, … Read more

They just CAN’T leave ANYone alone, can they?

UPDATE/BUMPED: In trying to find something else in our archives, I came across this from 2016-04-24.  That image is still as valid today as then and especially in light of my DISQUS Doodlings as well as on anything we report or opine on what the Left does.  They are the Borg and they will not stop in any way possible to assimilate the rest of us.  That is who they are. That is not what the rest of us aspire to be.  Just freaking leave the rest of us alone and stop using the force of Government to do otherwise.


I am part of the Just Leave Me Alone Coalition – but the Left CANNOT stand anyone being outside of their notion of Collectivism.  It echos the mantra of Fascism as defined in Mussolini’s Italy in the 1930s/1940s: According to Benito Mussolini, this system politicizes everything spiritual and human: “Everything within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state.”  Liberals / Democrats / Progressives in the US are rapidly walking towards this faster and faster:

Conservatives vs ProgressivesAt the Democrat Convention: “Government is the only thing we all belong to“; another is  Government is the thing we all do together“.  Remember Hillary’s “It takes a Village”?  Everything is couched in terms of GroupThink and “everyone all in” or “we’re all in this together”.  Socialism (except, of course, you are the one at the top, the Primo Apparatchik).

It is ALWAYS the group we, the collective group, as if they believe we all are in this together.  But we’re not – but they insist and do every thing they can to make it so – there is NO freedom allowable to dissent.  By this yet additional datum, we see that they hate the US Constitution (re: free association held in the First Amendment):

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I’m Going to Start Referring to My AR-15’s as MS-13’s ….

Doing our part to use the left’s hypocrisy to our advantage.  

LP Is Awesome! No, Not Liquid Propane, the Libertarian Party. Or is it?

I saw this humorous graphic on facebook this morning.  I actually laughed out loud it was so absurd.  Then I went to the LP facbook page (Washington DC) to ensure it came from them, which it did.  I guess we could call it LP propaganda?   It’s a graphic designed to show us all how AWESOME Libertarians are.  They are pretty awesome, except when it comes to graphics like this one.

Libertarians are AWESOME!Now I’m assuming that the stuff in blue is lefty thought, those in red–are for the right, with the Libertarian party (on facebook at least) staking out a solid middle ground between the two, at least in this contrived configuration, and disavowing those issues they declare as legitimate for both sides–as defined by them–that are outside the lines defined for ‘Libertarians believe in.’

But when I look at this I don’t see awesome, all I see is  ignorance.   Case in point: Libertarians believe that people on the left believe in personal freedom?


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Hypocrisy…the Duality in ‘Americur


Drones in the Middle East, drones on American soil, Libya coup d’etat support, Egypt insurgency weapons support, Syria coup support.

Sounds like the first term of Mephistopheles himself (Dick Cheney), right?

The American Left has no soul.  Period.  Watching some of the reaction to Rand Paul’s filibuster last week, it is now perfectly clear that the Left’s rhetoric and protest about “Bush’s War” was only about Bush and against the Right; it had nothing to do with principle, liberty, or right and wrong.  That’s the problem with the Left – particularly the Far Left – they blindly follow memes (social and political) and they criminally ignore malfeasance from their own team.

Funny thing is, though…

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Email Doodlings – The wars may be ending, but will this wrong headed perception?

Obama has unilaterally ended the Iraq war (hmmm, didn’t he rail against that “Cowboy Unilateralist” Bush for making decisions on his own?) and is on his way in doing the same in Afghanistan.  And while I had some words about it here, this is not the thrust of this post.  Instead, it is this:

Neo-cons have no problem sacrificing their own children to the war machine. That sounds harsh, but it’s the truth

It brought back a memory of something very similar – it ignited my ire by effective saying the same thing:

Finally, if you believe in this mission, whatever it really is, are you willing to die or send your children to die for it?

This time, it started off with a discussion back aways about Sarah Palin getting into the Primary race but quickly morphed from that to this and I never expected to hear that from a non-Liberal friend.  In essence, the far Left and the far Right / Libertarian movement have met and in a very ugly fashion in accusing parents of willingly sending their kids to die for an ideology.  This is wrong at several different levels and to be clear, made my blood pressure rise – so I started to answer:

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