UNH Students for LIfe

UNH Students for Life: Please Support HB 625 and HB 622.

Members of the committee and the chair, thank you for letting me speak. My name is Althea Ansah. I am a 21-year-old resident of the Town of Hooksett and the president of Students for Life at the University of New Hampshire. On behalf of the club members and the exec board, I strongly support HB 625 and 622.

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Under the Guise of Covering the Primary, WMUR Promotes Abortion-Extremism

This: NARAL’s position on abortion is EXTREME. NARAL opposes any restrictions on abortion. This is a position opposed by a huge majority of Americans according to Gallup, which found that 80 percent of Americans believe late-term (3rd trimester) abortions should be illegal. So when NARAL says “reproductive freedom” what it is really saying … but … Read more

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