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Top 10 Reasons Why the NH Buffer Zone Law Must Be Repealed

HB1625 is being heard today in the NH Senate Judiciary Committee and this is my testimony that I will share with the members of the committee.

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Productivity andreas-klassen-gZB-i-dA6ns-unsplash

Notable Quote – It Really IS all about Productivity!

Wage rates are lower in Indonesia than in the United States because workers in Indonesia are willing to accept less; they are willing to accept less because their alternative opportunities are so much poorer;

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Money down the toilet

Manchester Unions Still Getting Pay Raises despite Expired Contracts

MANCHESTER, NH  November 14, 2021--Despite the expiration of eight collective bargaining agreements covering hundreds of unionized employees, the city of Manchester is still paying “step” and “longevity” pay raises, Girard at Large has learned.

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Democrat Education Plans Repeat Previous Failures

The debates between Maggie Hassan, Democrat, and Ovide Lamontaigne, Republican, remind me that the success of our children is at stake in this election.  Democrat allegiance to Unions and the Educational Establishment lock children into failing public schools.     

Today’s Democrat solution to educational problems has been providing increasingly poorer results for decades, just spend more money. That fits Einstein’s definition of insanity, “doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results.”  More money is not the solution, it just raises the cost of poor results.     

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