Socialism debunked

“Socialism Is a Good Idea, but It Has Failed in the past Because It Has Been Badly Done” …

“It turns out that there is a lot of truth to the stereotype of the woke socialist millennial/Zoomer. The overwhelming majority of young people really do express stridently anti-capitalist views across a broad range of issues.

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Notable Quote – Main Difference Between Capitalism and Socialism

On the main difference between capitalism and socialism, other than “Who Chooses?”: Socialism’s failure, and capitalism’s relative success, has much more to do with capitalism’s capacity to generate economically relevant knowledge.” -Kristian Niemietz (Socialism: The Failed Idea That Never Dies)

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Notable Quote – Kristian Niemietz

Socialists usually react with genuine irritation when a political opponent mentions an earlier, failed socialist project. They cannot see this is anything other than a straw man, and a cheap shot. As a result, they refuse to address the question why those attempts have turned out the way they did. According to contemporary socialists, previous socialist leaders … Read more

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