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Pine Tree Ramblings Vol 11

by Tom

File under “Liberalism is a Mental Disorder” (although I should change this to “Leftism is a Mental Disorder” since “Liberal” just seems too nice and flowy). It’s time again for Ray Buckley’s appeal to New Hampshire Democrats to buy tickets to their annual fundraising dinner (nice GIF, Buckles). That’s not really a story worth telling – but the … Read more

Jeff Woodburn Should Introduce Alec Baldwin at the NH Dem’s “Identity-Crisis” Dinner

Tone deafness isn’t intentionally written into the New Hampshire Democrat Party Platform, but hypocrisy is. So, it makes sense that the same so-called “party of women” thought it would be a great idea to re-name their Jefferson-Jackson dinner (Men who had slaves!) the Kennedy-Clinton Dinner (Men who had sex slaves.)

This year the Democrats identity-crisis dinner is named after Eleanor Roosevelt (I guess Weiner Weinstein was out of the question?) but then invited Alec Baldwin as their keynote speaker.

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