Is NASA Just Another Biden/Harris Social Justice Agency?

At an Aug. 14 news conference, NASA and other experts proclaimed that, according to “clear science,” current record-high temperatures are attributable to human activity. Yet NASA did not present any scientific evidence to demonstrate a connection between current warm temperatures and greenhouse gas emissions and ignored the massive non-anthropomorphic impact of last year’s record-breaking under-ocean volcano.

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Net Metering with Solar Panels: a Closer Look

For years, the state of Vermont has subsidized solar panels, especially through its vaunted net metering program, in which electricity customers pay increased electricity rates to support the installation of rooftop solar panel arrays. The panels collect energy from the sun to serve residences.

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heroin spoon needle

Crime and Punishment

Ever since Obama and Dems opened the southern border, states like New Hampshire and Vermont have seen the rise of the only real public health threat in the last decade, opioid drug addiction and overdose deaths. With it came crime and a rise in gang violence.

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