America’s surreal course under social justice dogma has veered the nation away from its Judeo-Christian, covenantal foundations toward a neo-Marxist destruction that is targeting all things good.
John Klar
Night Cap: Vaccine Safety Heads to Congress
The House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic convened a hearing on Feb. 15 titled “Assessing America’s Vaccine Safety Systems, Part 1.” Intended to bolster public confidence in vaccines by reviewing the nation’s data systems used to track reports of adverse events following vaccination, the subcommittee’s initial hearing also focused on vaccine injury compensation programs.
More Cows Needed to Reverse Climate Change, Experts Say
In a little-noticed presentation on Dec. 9, 2023, at COP28 in Dubai, a panel of soil experts presented the case for cows as climate allies, not gas-spewing destroyers. The event, titled “Conscious Livestock Rearing and Soil Health,” discussed “animal rearing’s impact on soil health and its place as a part of the climate solution.”
Biden’s Innocence Based on an Inability To Recall How Guilty He Is
Claims in a special counsel report that the president’s neurological decline has progressed to the point where he is too incompetent to be held accountable for alleged improper handling of sensitive documents drew rather furious responses from Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.
Biden Administration Blames Putin For US Inflation
White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre recently blamed Russian President Vladimir Putin for inflation in the US. Much like blaming the border crisis on Republicans despite years of Trump wrangling to “Build That Wall,” this effort to project American inflation onto Putin’s shoulders rings hollow.
CRT and Eugenics in Vermont
Government institutions cannot eliminate subconscious or conscious prejudices. The 20th century’s infatuation with “science” and brain chemistry has resulted in great hubris by academics and government to do exactly that — change the brain. But it has always ended in disaster.
Do the Democrats want Bobby Kennedy Jr. Assassinated?
Nikki Haley’s recent requests for federal Secret Service protection coincide with revelations that Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s similar pleas in 2023 were coldly dismissed.
The Sexual Predators of the WHO
World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus recently complained about the citizens who are skeptical about ceding national sovereignties and individual rights to his global agency under the pending expansion of WHO powers through a revised Pandemic Treaty and accused them of spreading disinformation.
Solution to the World’s Carbon Problems
Touting a supposed “new study,” mainstream media is advocating globalist prescriptions for climate change that would utilize existing public school lunch programs to compel children to eat unhealthy processed vegetarian alternatives to wholesome grass-fed meats or fresh local foods. The audacity and misinformation of these proposals reflect elitist disconnect from basic nutrition and soil health.
Taxes, Inflation, Vacancies, and Shoplifting Becoming Too Hard To Bear
A convergence of financial pressures threatens to send shock waves through America’s commercial real estate sector in 2024. As a record number of outstanding commercial mortgages mature, refinancing at nosebleed interest rates is a daunting hurdle for investors and lenders alike.
The Demise of the Electric Vehicle
The nation’s recent deep freeze stranded many expensive electric vehicles (EVs) with drained batteries, often in front of charging stations equally disabled by the cold. Warmer areas like California, where some 39% of EV car owners reside, do not abuse their batteries with the harsh seasonal winters that threaten many regions of the nation and … Read more
New ‘Study’ Extolling Greenie Redistribution Unwittingly Exposes Toxic Climate Cult
So-called “climate science” extends far beyond the traditional bounds of science built on facts and logic and is driven by emotions, amounting to essentially a religious cult masquerading as scientific discipline.
Winter Cold Exploited to “Prove” Global Warming
Winter weather has become a harbinger of climate justice agitation. In the past, frigid snaps were exploited by eco-warriors to “prove” global warming, as climate scientists predicted colder extremes as part of global climate change. Actual science has now disproved that hackneyed assertion, so alarmists have pivoted from manipulating arctic blasts to “prove” global warming to discrediting … Read more
Is Fake Meat a Market Failure?
A growing list of potentially intractable problems confronts the alternative meat industry, which includes both plant-based substitutes and cultured “cell-grown” meats.
Invoking Tenth Amendment Protections for New Hampshire’s Air Space
A New Hampshire bill introduced on January 11 calls to ban government pollution of the environment caused by “weather modification.” Under this bill, the federal government would have to report its activities to state government officials.
A Tale of Two Billionaire Farmers
The media are abuzz with billionaire Mark Zuckerberg’s announcement that he is raising gourmet beef from wagyu cows on his Hawaiian “ranch,” feeding them beer and macadamia nuts. This contrasts sharply with fellow billionaire farming dabbler Bill Gates, who uses conventional chemical technologies and fancies himself the creator of a new synthetic factory meat.
The Glittering Carbon Solution – Could Synthetic Diamonds Save the World
Can the industrial-scale carbon sequestration required to rescue humanity from its alleged environmental ruin be achieved by the mass production of synthetic diamonds? Lab-grown diamonds — composed of pure carbon crystallized in an isotropic 3D form — can sequester the carbon employed forever, converting it from a planet-destroying liability to a sparkling asset.
An Amish Farmer’s Food Rights Battle
The January 4th raid on Amish farmer Amos Miller’s Pennsylvania establishment reflects a growing tension between government regulation of food safety and liberty-minded individualists distrusting industrial food production.
Latest Climate Conundrum: Bad Beavers or Good?
Climate “science” has long claimed that the hard-working beaver plays an essential role in sequestering carbon by corralling sediments in dams. A recent scientific study asserts that beavers colonizing the Arctic tundra are doing the exact opposite, releasing methane when their warming ponds thaw vast areas of permafrost.
Nuclear Power Is Back?
Until recently, it appeared that nuclear power was simply off the energy table for climate activists and environmentalists — but they are now embracing its possibilities.