Inventing Human Rights To Erase Religious Freedom

I lack confidence that very many legislators will even read, let alone heed, this legal opinion as to why Proposal 4 is a complete waste of taxpayer resources, and so I am writing this opinion directly to Vermonters. This Proposal, which purports to expand existing constitutional rights to a list of novel protected classes, is not … Read more

Identity Crisis at Middlebury

In 2021, Middlebury College in Vermont decided to rename a Christian chapel originally named after former Vermont Governor John Mead due to Mead’s historical advocacy for the eugenics movement.

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farmland crops barley

If Biden’s EPA Really Cares about Pollution…

A proposed EPA rule mandating more stringent effluent limitations for nitrogen, and adding phosphorus for the first time, would impose high costs on approximately 850 of the nation’s meat and poultry processing (MPP) facilities.  Some processors will be compelled to close due to prohibitive costs.  Meanwhile, the Biden administration’s vaunted PFAS reporting rules merely monitor ongoing water … Read more

Mental health anxiety depression Image by Josh Clifford from Pixabay

Transgender Surgery Is the Lobotomy of the 21st Century

Psychology is a “science” that studies human behavior but is itself morally bankrupt.  That is, psychology is unable to scientifically define normality.  It can’t.  “Normal” depends on what the society (through “norms”) or the patient views as morally correct.

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Progressive EV Mandates and Economic Reality

President Joe Biden advertised himself as a uniter of Americans but instead seems to have embarked on a crusade to unite government with industry. His disregard for the rule of law parallels an equally dangerous abandonment of fundamental free market principles via government fiat.

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Climate Farming Dreams are a Nightmare for Diners

A recent study of Burmese pythons concludes that snake meat is more efficient to produce than traditional livestock, making it a viable protein alternative to cows or pigs. Given the primeval human aversion to snakes, this menu item may be a harder sell even than crickets or faux-meat nuggets. However, the omissions and biases inherent … Read more

Construction worker Photo by Josh Olalde on Unsplash

New ‘Green’ Building Code to Dominate Housing Construction

The announcement of a “model” international building code might understandably elicit yawns. However, the 2024 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) is cause for Americans to bolt upright and pay close attention. The vain imaginings of corporate and NGO “stakeholders” who propose to completely dominate American housing construction in the name of saving the planet promise … Read more

Climate Fear, Rewilding, the Green New Deal, and Other Absurdities

One of the most prescient, intelligent, passionate voices defending rural lands and rural agriculture has been lifelong Democrat Wendell Berry (though Wendell will tell you that he has no allegiance to any one party). The current Democratic Party appears to have no use for the considered wisdom of this Kentucky farmer, just as it has abandoned Martin Luther King, Jr., Thomas Jefferson, and the Kennedy legacy.

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YC EV Garbage Truck

Fleets of EV Trucks Are an Impossible Dream

California has led the nation in a climate-saving push for EV tractor-trailer trucks to replace diesel power. Fiction eventually runs aground on reality, in this case, the economic, environmental, and scientific facts that the California Legislature ignored when it implemented impossible mandates for gleaming fleets of EV trucks.

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Why Famine and Food Shortages Grow More Likely Each Day — In America!

With a constant stream of Hollywood end-of-the-world calamity blockbuster movies, Americans are generally distracted from the real-life disaster scenario that threatens us.  Growing dependency on processed foods, often shipped long distances via crammed distribution systems, has created a vulnerability to food supply disruption unparalleled in human history.

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The Multicultural Destruction of Vermont

A person from New York recently purchased the 54-acre property next door to the house I rent in Brookfield, Vermont. I contacted him and told him I’d keep an eye on the place and ask him whether I could pasture my sheep and/or cows on the fields that he now owns (originally part of the farm we rent).

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ICYMI – Why Food Is About To Get Very Expensive

Americans are witnessing frighteningly high rates of inflation—gasoline prices have increased by 10 cents a day lately, it seems. Interest rates are rising and set to continue shooting up, compounding home affordability hampered by a seismic spike in home and land prices.

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biden ice cream cone

Biden Winning in 2024 is More Urgent Than … Climate Change.

After investing billions of taxpayer dollars in electric vehicles (EVs), the Biden administration is making a sharp dogleg on ambitious targets for implementation. In an effort to court United Auto Workers (UAW) ahead of the 2024 election, President Joe Biden is now seeking a bevy of delays in his climate change plans.

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