Invoking Tenth Amendment Protections for New Hampshire’s Air Space

A New Hampshire bill introduced on January 11 calls to ban government pollution of the environment caused by “weather modification.” Under this bill, the federal government would have to report its activities to state government officials.

House Bill 1700 (“The Clean Atmosphere Preservation Act”) claims the federal government is guilty of “the intentional release of polluting emissions” to control weather or climate.

Is this even happening? Or is it just part of a wide-ranging conspiracy theory?

HB 1700 may not gain much political traction in the New Hampshire Legislature, as most Americans remain skeptical that chemtrails exist or that the government can manipulate the weather at will. The bill’s call to scrutinize government discharges of pollution, however, appears to reflect the growing willingness of Americans to discuss that once-taboo subject of “weather manipulation.” Anthropogenic climate control using space-age technology has evolved from conspiracy theory to legal “statutory” status, if only in a first stab by this obscure New Hampshire effort.

US Government Pollution

The bill’s eco-friendly title implicitly raises the broader question of who is policing the government that regulates the greenhouse gas emissions of American businesses and citizens. Federal regulators such as the EPA, FDA, and USDA often approve agricultural uses for substances of questionable safety for humans, including atrazine, glyphosate, and organophosphates. Additionally, the US government has a long history of polluting the planet with federal impunity.

One study concluded that the US Military annually consumes the energy equivalent of 257 million passenger cars. Space exploration has an enormous environmental impact, including toxins from rocket fuel spills on the ground, the burning of energy for flights, and damage to the ozone layer. One study found that suborbital space flights could “increase the temperature over the poles by 1 degree Celsius and reduce polar sea ice levels by 5%.”

Live Free or Fight the Feds

New Hampshire’s proposed Clean Atmosphere Protection Act specifically invokes Tenth Amendment protection of that state’s airspace against toxic chemical impacts inflicted by the federal government, replete with severe criminal penalties:

“An entity or individual who engages in a hazardous atmospheric activity or any entity or individual who uses an unmarked or unidentified aircraft or other vehicle or facility to carry out SAI [stratospheric aerosol injection] geoengineering, weather modification, cloud-seeding, or other polluting atmospheric activity:

“I.  Has committed a felony and shall pay a fine of not less than $500,000 or be imprisoned for not less than 2 years, or both ….”

The bill also seeks to implement provisions to protect the Granite State from “A foreign state or international body that funds in part or in whole or engages in an activity deemed hazardous by the Department of Environmental Services,” an apparent attempt to shield the state from globalist influencers. It lists prohibited processes and activities, including “harmful nuclear, biological, transbiological and/or chemical (‘NBC’) emissions,” lasers, excessive electromagnetic radio frequency/microwave radiation emissions, magnetic fields, “dirty energy,” and sonic weapons.

A Climate of Distrust

Once upon a time, Americans trusted their government to protect them. But that trust has been frayed. Barack Obama backed Monsanto and Wall Street over working-class voters, allowed the Benghazi disaster to occur, and let drones be used against Americans. George Bush detained US citizens as terrorists and used yellowcake uranium from Niger to lead the nation into the Iraq War. We’ve seen the war in Vietnam, Hunter Biden’s laptop, the Trump witch hunt over alleged Russian collusion, and so much more over the years. If the government says it can’t control the climate, some in the public will understandably presume the reverse.

In such a hazy climate of well-earned distrust, and with Joe Biden at the helm, who would believe the feds? Persistent government perfidy conjoins with technological advances in surveillance, spooky DNA and chemical technologies, AI, and social media volatility to create a sort of mass hysteria in which tinfoil hats seem more sensible than facemasks. Indeed, a striking feature of the New Hampshire bill is its call for a citizen reporting system to track alleged violations – a sort of government-monitoring sky-watching militia.

Increasingly, Americans are seeking that which they can trust – the local, the familiar, the individual – to secure their prosperity and their health. In such a tainted sociological atmosphere, the New Hampshire legislature may consider enacting the Clean Atmosphere Protection Act merely to avert the distrust that will arise if it is blocked. If the bill is passed, after all, it will only have any real-life application if, in fact, the federal government or globalists are spraying the skies above the White Mountains with chemicals or barraging the land with electromagnetic radiation.

John Klar is an Attorney, farmer, and author. Mostly farmer… And Regular Contributor to GraniteGrok and VermontGrok.


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