Rebutting John Klar on Boston’s Proposed Soda Pop Tax

Boston City Councillors have proposed a tax on sugary beverages, and on Tuesday, John Klar argued against it — fighting on a battleground defined by the adversaries. Let’s start with first principles: There is no “public health.” The public is not a body and does not have a health. All “we” have are statistics involving … Read more


Night Cap: Industry Fraud Brings Down Boeing Planes

Recurrent airline accidents involving Boeing jets have triggered both public alarm and government scrutiny. Despite assurances that manufacturing safeguards would be improved following two high-profile Boeing plane accidents in 2018 and 2019 that caused the deaths of 346 people, recent whistleblower revelations of a “broken safety culture” at the company have prompted ire from federal regulators.

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Mystery Meats for US Troops

Bioindustrial Manufacturing and Design Ecosystem (BioMADE), which has received more than $500 million in Department of Defense funding, recently announced it is soliciting proposals to develop “innovations in food production that reduce the CO2 footprint of food production at … DoD operational environments.” Translation: The Pentagon is funding research and development of novel cell-cultured fake meats to feed US soldiers.

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Have Fake Meats Exceeded Their Shelf Life?

Following years of marketing hype proclaiming that fake meats would transform the food industry and modern diets, sobriety has descended on the industry as manufacturers wrestle with declining sales, dissatisfied customers, and difficulties achieving profitability.

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EV charging electric vehicle

Is EV Manufacturing Exceeding Demand?

Car manufacturers make little, if any, money on EV sales. A dearth of charging stations discourages new buyers, who are also put off by high sticker prices. Sales of new electric vehicles have dropped off, as have used resale values.

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The Furor Over Fake Meat

Iowa has become the latest state to signal hostility toward fake meat food products, imposing fines of up to $10,000 on manufacturers who mislabel protein-based products as meat.

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Child in bed reading the bible - christian -

Night Cap: Black Christian Nationalism

The politicization of Americans’ faith traditions has recently devolved into the newfound leftist phrase “Christian nationalist,” often combined with race as “white Christian nationalism” and then touted as a threat to the nation. But in seemingly racist arrogance, these Christ-haters ignore the history of black Christian nationalism.

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farmland crops barley

The World Bank’s Recipe for Globalist Food Control

A recent report produced by the World Bank leaves no doubt that what has unfolded against farmers in Holland, Belgium, and France is a precursor to globalist plans of food control and all food production (and diet choices) for humanity in the name of rescuing the planet from cows and destructive agriculture.

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Social Justice Ideology Compromises “Real” Science

Once upon a time, scientific inquiry was premised on ideas of objectivity, factual analysis, and avoiding bias. The advent of social justice theory, post-modernist thought, and climate alarmism have polluted the waters of many once-prestigious science journals. This political transformation of what was once called science has given rise to pseudo-scientific partisanship on both sides … Read more

Police car lights

Police Forces Finally See a Post-Floyd Rebound

A recent survey shows police departments hired more new officers in 2023 than in the previous four years. This news is particularly encouraging for major cities suffering upheaval and increased crime. Americans are concerned about upholding law and order, an issue that will doubtlessly feature prominently in the 2024 elections.

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Striving to Preserve Your Culture against False Charges of Racism

In an ongoing cultural controversy in Vermont, a former House member named Kiah Morris has launched a video attacking Vermonters and their culture as racist. Ms. Morris has employed the empty trope that Vermonters who wish to preserve their traditional culture employ “political tactics [that] are historically consistent in the acceleration of increased discrimination, bias, and hate crimes … Read more

Government Overcriminalization Catches Unwary Americans

A strange trend has emerged in the law – strange and dangerous. While some crimes like robbery, shoplifting, and drug dealing – things that require criminal intent – have been decriminalized in many areas, the already quite large body of federal regulation has grown under President Joe Biden, putting unsuspecting citizens who don’t intentionally or knowingly break the law increasingly at risk for prosecution.

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In Biden’s America Foreign Squatters Have More Rights Than Home Owners

National media is abuzz with surreal tales of US citizens ejected from or arrested while trying to reclaim their own homes from criminal squatters. One viral TikTok video features a Venezuelan thug named Leonel Morino exhorting his fellow hoodlums to seize homes as squatting escalates in Atlanta, New York City, Los Angeles, and other major cities.

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Progressive EV Mandates and Economic Reality

President Joe Biden advertised himself as a uniter of Americans but instead seems to have embarked on a crusade to unite government with industry. His disregard for the rule of law parallels an equally dangerous abandonment of fundamental free market principles via government fiat. The latest example is displayed in the administration’s emissions mandates for … Read more

Cows Yorkshire England Original Photo by Jakob Cotton on Unsplash

Experts Say Bird Flu ”Jumps” To Animals The Elites Don’t Want Us to Eat …

Headlines proclaiming that bird flu in cows has impacted the milk supply—and that cows are then spreading the disease to laying hens—are disturbing contributions to the cacophony of looming doomsday threats to humanity. Americans already spooked by the government takeover of speech, travel, assembly, and bodily autonomy during the COVID-19 pandemic are understandably unnerved by … Read more

China, Chinese Flag

Night Cap: China Quietly Infiltrates the United Nations

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has stealthily insinuated itself into ever-more influential positions at the United Nations, three experienced attorneys testified at a recent congressional hearing. furthering Chinese economic hegemony while chiseling away at Western human rights protections. Titled “The Chinese Communist Party’s Malign Influence at the United Nations – It’s Getting Worse,” the hearing … Read more

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