How Convenient…and Annoying


Have you ever noticed that the Water Sustainability Commission, and most of the other “sustainability” groups, all hold their “public meetings” during the business day?

This one, in particular, really irks me…

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GrokWATCH: Right To Know Request – Water Sustainability Commission – Update 3

WSC-Logo Water Sustainability CommisionI ended the last dispatch with this:

Guess how long it took to get a response???

Answer:  10 days simply to have an email recognized and returned (emphasis mine):

On 8/12/2012 11:11 PM, John A. Gilbert wrote:

Mr. Murphy

With this email I am acknowledging receipt of your August 2, 2012 Right to Know request.  Given the scope of your request, it is anticipated that it will take as much as 30 days from the date of your request to identify whether such documents exist, and if they do, to gather and review them.  There may be a cost for reproducing them for you, but we will let you know more precisely what the cost might be once we have a better understanding of the scope and number of these documents.  If you do not wish to incur theses costs, it may be possible for you to review them without incurring the cost of reproduction.  Again, we will let you know that too.

Best regards,


John A. Gilbert
Synchrony Advisors, LLC
10 Myrtle Street
Exeter, NH 03833
Tel. 603-219-6538

Well, THAT didn’t go over too well:

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