GrokWATCH: Right To Know Request – Water Sustainability Commission – Update 2

by Skip

WSC-Logo Water Sustainability CommisionAs I said yesterday, I had requested a contract between the State of NH and Water Sustainability Commission / Synchrony Advisors, LLC, but was informed that there was none.  So, on August 2, I asked for additional information from Synchrony Advisors, LLC as to the WSC’s activities, especially their financial ones.  Note the time stamp (emphasis mine):

From: Skip Murphy []
Sent: Thursday, August 02, 2012 5:13 PM
To: John A. Gilbert; William O’Brien
Subject: Re: Freedom of Information Request – NH Water Sustainability

Chair Gilbert,

I will accept you at your word for this [That there is no contract  -Skip].  Thus, I will pull my RTK request for the contract back, as well as the other one concerning the correspondence of the contract.

However, while you all may be volunteers, your activities still were under the auspices of a Governmental Executive Order, thus still subject to RSA 91-A requests.  Please consider the following as such:

  • A listing of any governmental monies (e.g., Federal, State, County, Local, or Regional Planning Commission(s)) (as the latter seems to occupy its own quasi-status in between all the others) disbursed on behalf of activities of the Water Sustainability Commission (“WSC”) with the following data points:
  • Date
  • Amount of the Check
  • Payee
  • Payer
  • Reason for the disbursement.
  •           We are also requesting a listing of any incoming monies to the WSC:
  • Date,
  • Amount of money/ grant / offer in kind
  • The source, be it Federal, State, County, Local, Regional Planning Commission(s), or private groups / people
  • The reason for the “donation”.
  • Further, we are requesting electronic copies for all correspondence between the Commissioner and other non-member entities, (e.g., such as but not limited to:  emails,  hardcopy mailings, recorded phone conversations, video or audio recordings / conference, and or websites that have been utilized) exclusive of any published meeting minutes.

Please note that I have included (via BCC) a number of NH House Representatives on this email – they have expressed interest in this topic, have asked us to keep them involved from other research we have done, or I feel would benefit from the knowledge that regular citizens are involved in watching their government, especially over something as important as the State and water in light of some of the revelations coming to the fore under the rubric of Federal Government’s “Sustainable Communities Initiative” (aka, locally known as the Granite State Future Plan).

Kindest regards,


Guess how long it took to get a response???

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