Have you ever noticed that the Water Sustainability Commission, and most of the other “sustainability” groups, all hold their “public meetings” during the business day?
This one, in particular, really irks me…
State of New Hampshire Water Sustainability Commission
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services
29 Hazen Drive – Concord, NH
The Water Sustainability Commission, established under Executive Order Number 2011-2, will hold its next public meeting at the above time and place.
For more information about the Water Sustainability Commission, please visit the Commission’s website: http://www.nh.gov/water-sustainability/.
The meeting agenda will be posted when available. Directions to DES are available at: http://des.nh.gov/contactus/directions.htm
If you would like to be removed from this notification list please contact Jennifer Rowden, DES Drinking Water and Groundwater Bureau, at (603) 271-0657 or Jennifer.Rowden@des.nh.gov.
Now, I would like to attend this meeting, to find out what steps this commission is planning and taking to usurp my natural rights to water and other resources, but I cannot. I, like many other responsible or curious citizens, will be at work earning money to pay the taxes that pay the salaries for some of the members of this and other commissions.
Send an email to the chair of this commission, John Gilbert, letting him know that this practice is counter-productive, by degrading public participation.
The typical response I expect is that they work all day too, and should not have to conduct meetings after-hours.
Well, I say “sorry, too bad”. If my customers or constituents are put-out by inconvenient meeting times, I adjust my schedule for them.
And who is the customer in this situation; the Commission, or the public?
Note: “Executive Orders” can, and will be rescinded by the next Governor of New Hampshire.