John Durham

When Will We Wake Up And Get Livid

After four years and millions of dollars, John Durham released his 300-page report on Monday, laying out the conspiracy between Democrats, the Democrat National Committee, the Department of Justice, the FBI, and the media to fabricate a bogus scenario to attack and damage Donald Trump by manufacturing a fantasy relationship between Trump and the Russians. … Read more

John Durham

The Durham Report Confirms The FBI is a Partisan Threat to Democracy

Special Prosecutor John Durham has finally delivered the goods, and there’s not much there we did not already know. No knockout blows, but Democrats will need to decide how to spin another investigation exposing the FBI’s systemic confirmation bias.

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Suicide noose hanged Image by Tammy Cuff from Pixabay

Is It a Miracle that John Durham Hasn’t Committed “Suicide” Yet?

The Mueller Investigation spent a lot of money to pay a room full of Trump-hating leftists to “chase” a lie. They could not link Trump to Russian Collusion definitively- probably because Clinton and the FBI were doing the collusion, but Democrats impeached Trump anyway.

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President Trump Releases New Video – “Justice Is Coming for Hillary”

President Trump released a new video called “Justice is Coming for Hillary.”

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Democrats Line Up to Apologize to Trump

For five years, the Democrats and the lapdog mainstream media tried in vain to connect Donald Trump, the candidate, and the President, to Russia. When he took Clinton down in 2016, they turned their efforts to tearing him down, destroying him and his Presidency.

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DOJ – Eight Indicted in Illegal Presidential Campaign Contribution Scam

I know this is not news anywhere else, but US Attorney General William Barr indicted eight individuals for illegal campaign contributions to Democrat campaign committees supporting Hillary Clinton.

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Obama Middle Finger

US Diplomat – Obama Administration Ran Point on Effort to Remove Ukrainian Prosecutor

Thanks to the Left’s bumbling, we learn more about Ukraine and Bad Boyz Obama and Biden every day. The latest morsel from the Burisma Buffet of Shame comes courtesy of George Kent. He works for the US State Department and is an expert on Ukraine.

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Deep State Coup to Oust Trump Could Be Exposed Beginning This Week

Obama era intelligence officials and top FBI may be implicated in documents to be released beginning this week. What’s at stake? How about orchestrating a coup against a sitting President?

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William Barr - twitter image

AG Barr Appoints US Attorney to Investigate The Genesis of the Russia Collusion Probe

Attorney General Bill Barr has assigned US attorney John Durham to conduct an inquiry. He is tasked with examining whether the FBI’s surveillance of the Trump campaign was justified and legal.

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