Woke is Maoism with American Characteristics”

What is Woke? What is Equity? I can tell you for certain that neither of those terms includes the traditional American ideals of meritocracy, equality before the Law, and equal opportunity—YOU get to decide how far in Life you can go and what you can achieve. Woke and Equity are Marxist foundational concepts that are antithetical to our norms.

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SAMHSA Dept of Ed

The Occult & New Age Origins of SEL **Social and Emotional Learning

Dear Executive Councilors,

I want to bring to your attention a new fad that is taking hold in New Hampshire Schools. I am referring to Social and Emotional Learning/ SEL. Please take time to watch this video on The Occult and New Age Origins of SEL. 

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Book: Dolls and Trucks Are for Everyone

The Truth Leaks Out: Dolls and Trucks Are for Everyone

I have been attending the Nashua Public Library trustees’ meetings and talking to them about my serious concerns about picture books the library has made available to young children which try to convince them that how well they fit a gender stereotype is what makes them a boy or girl. You can read about two of those books here.

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Betsy DeVos screen grab Besty DeVos web site

Warning About School Choice and the Jeb Bush Cronies that Push it

When Betsy DeVos became U.S. Secretary of Education, I opposed that nomination. There were good candidates available, but I was told that V.P. Mike Pence thought she’d be a good pick. She brought controversy to the position, and even though there were some good policy decisions made by her, there were others that were horrible. … Read more


The Left is Restructuring Our Whole Conception of Reality 

James Lindsay is the co-author of Cynical Theories. It is a deep dive into far-left Critical Theory. Skip wrote about the other author recently here, but I have a short video to share that might intrigue you enough to watch his entire interview.

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