Diversity: Muslim Teens Beat Up Santa – Call him Fat and Tear His Red Suit

Nothing says let’s all get along like a gang of Muslime yutes (Yooouths) beating up a guy dressed as Santa on his way to be Santa for some local kids.

Half a dozen migrant youths attacked the 54-year-old victim whilst others watched and laughed.


The 54-year-old victim was due to perform at the Königsalm on Königsplatz in the city of Kassel on Dec. 6 when he was approached by a gang of youths who crossed the street and confronted him.

According to the victim, Rainer B., the gang comprised several teenagers of a migrant background around 15 years of age. He told police they insulted him, calling him a “son of a bitch” and a “fat man” and ordered him to remove his Santa Claus costume.

They said they were Muslim and that Germany was “their country,” the victim said, as reported by the Hessische Allgemeine newspaper.

When he refused, the gang turned violent and struck him, resulting in injuries to his neck and tearing his costume. In self-defense, the man hit one of his attackers in the face, causing them to flee towards Martinsplatz.


The Muslims are teaching the kids that Germany is their country. Is that the sort of thing that could rile up the Fatherland, or have the once proud German people been diversity whipped into submission?

One positive note. Santa did his gig. He showed up all tussled up and torn and talked to the kids. No pictures were allowed, which is a bit of a bummer. Given the cultural arc of Germany, it might have been useful to have that one on hand for the grandkids. Here I am with Santa after a group of adherents of the Religion of Peace roughed him up a bit.

Not that the caliphate would allow you to keep something like that.

Oh, and in keeping with my intermittent habit of messing with song lyrics.


I saw Muslims kicking Santa Claus.
On his way to Kessel Town last night
To scratch some angry itch
They knocked him down into the  ditch
Tore his suit did those Muslim Yutes
Then called him a son of a bitch.


I couldn’t help myself. Ans yes, it could be better.


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