Screw DC, Save Your State!

The states have a constitutional right to deny DC its overreach  on a wide range of issues but to do that we must act locally to elect officials who will stand up to the Washington Cabal.      

A Terrorist By Any Other Name…

We start the discussion with Terrorism in Paris and the French who have replaced the refugee turnstile with a locked down border. *Audio problems reported during the program were corrected post-production.  

GrokTALK! – Fredo Arias King – Bush v. Mexico

Fredo Arias King talks about international relations with Mexico, and the far reaching effect of a foreign policy decision made by the Bush campaign in April of 2009, (and mirrored by brother Jeb as then Gov. of Florida). *Recorded at the 603 Alliance Grassroots Summit

The Elite’s Immigration Disconnect

Jessica Vaughn from the Center for Immigration Studies shares the statistical and real-world disconnect on immigration policy between the opinions of the political class in DC, and regular Americans.   *Recorded at the 603 Alliance Grassroots Summit  

GrokTALK! What If You Don’t “Love The One You’re With?”

We explore the progressive habit of using immigration to supplant the uncooperative populations with those more inclined to vote for Democrats. This naturally leads to the question of property rights, as government needs to milk someone to finance it’s Welfare State Get-out-the vote immigration policies. Bill O’Brien Guest Hosts.  

A quick retort to Joe “two shotgun shell” Biden – no, it isn’t about “dignity”

by Skip

From Big Government, we have these pithy words from Vice President Joe Biden:

There are a lot of tough decisions that have to be made. In some countries, that means, as we say in this country, that the elites have to pay their fair share, pay for the police in the streets and the basic services for the poor. In other places it means taking on corruption head on. In the United States, that means reforming our immigration system – 11 million undocumented men, women and children being able to come out of the shadows and be full participants in American life. Granting them the dignity — my father would say, “It’s all about dignity’ – granting them the dignity and respect that they deserve. Without doing that, it’s hard to make the case in my view to 600 million people in the hemisphere that we genuinely respect you all, but we do not show respect for 11 million people – people here in America who hail from the very countries we talk about… I don’t know how that’s done.

No, it is not about “dignity”!  As the second highest elected official in the land, first most,  it should be about honoring your oath concerning the Constitution and its values – one of which is The Rule of Law that sets us all Equal Before The Law.  Which means that everyone in this land, the United States, needs to respect it, apply it, and live it.  That has been one of our hallmarks as a country.  Without it, we are just a throwback to the pre-Founding Fatherss times of Elite Rule (Monarchy, Royalty, Strong Man, or Mobs) to which Progressives wish to return us.

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Concentrate on Solutions. It’s a Win-Win situation.

Larry the Cable Guy

This has been around a bit, and I can’t seem to find any evidence that it is not from Larry the Cable guy, and it made me laugh, so here you go.

Everyone concentrates on the problems we’re having in this country lately: illegal immigration, hurricane recovery, alligators attacking people in Florida ..

Not me. I concentrate on solutions for the problems. It’s a win-win situation.

1. Dig a moat the length of the Mexican border.
2. Send the dirt to New Orleans to raise the level of the levies.
3. Put the Florida alligators in the moat along the Mexican border.

Any other problems you would like for me to solve today ? Yes?

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We let Democrats define the terms of our defeat

When Democrats set the terms of the 2012 campaign for state and federal offices, Republican leaders blew their horns about jobs and the economy and counted on their position of strength and the glaring weaknesses in their enemy’s lines to secure victory. Republicans lost because they forgot to tell the troops about the Democratic weaknesses. Democrats took advantage of the oversight and rolled over the field.

Democratic victories last Tuesday quite simply reflected a tactical failure of top-ticket Republicans to defend the party’s message. This wasn’t a failure of Republican principles, but a failure to define and defend Republican principles. Democrats successfully distracted voters with complete fabrications of reality, and Republicans let them do it without response.

Predictably, Republican Party leaders assumed that the people had enough of the social issues and wanted to focus on the economy instead—and by in large, Republicans successfully governed on economic recovery issues during the past two years. Democrats understood the visceral nature of social issues and successfully tarnished liberty as the enemy of their carefully crafted relationship between business and government. Republicans didn’t respond, despite the prescient need. They thought that by ignoring the problem it would go away.

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Seminar Callers on Immigration

I put on talk radio when I’m going to be too busy to do any reading at lunch.  Thanks to declining hearing I miss most of it anyway, but today I caught a caller on the Rush Limbaugh program who was concerned that the speakers at the RNC were not addressing the issue of immigration, … Read more

Then There Are “These” Refugee Costs

“All institutions are prone to corruption and to the vices of their members.”  —Morris West

Beatrice Munyenyezi  has resided nearby here in Manchester since 2002 .  Like many others who have come  to the United States as Refugees, Munyenyezi came to raise her children, work and, essentially, “live the American Dream.”  But also unlike many other refugees, Munyenyezi presently stands accused of personally participating in the Rwandan genocide, as an extremist Hutu who not only killed, but had a hand in the rapes of untold Tutsi victims.

U.S. Immigration in its’ U.S. District Court complaint in Concord, accuses Munyenyezi of lying  to enter the United States to gain citizenship. Currently behind bars without bail, Munyenyezi  is slated to begin trial this Wednesday on fraud charges.

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Do Democrats Now Love The Chamber Of Commerce?

Remember when the Chamber of Commerce (C of C) was the lefts whipping boy? They were evil capitalists using money from “outside the country” to affect their selfish policy agenda- So what do those same leftists have to say about that same Chamber of Commerce (presumably with the same funding) leading the charge to prevent the enforcement of e-verify?

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