Sherry Frost Doth Protests Too Much

State Representative Sherry Frost is the gift that keeps on giving. I pray for her every night that she remains healthy and active. The fact is seeing her foibles, gaffs and guffaws are priceless. Politics is ugly these days so I always look forward to a good laugh. Many of her intense tweets have left me howling with laughter. Frosty never disappoints. Sherry Frost protests again!

This weekend provides yet another broad array of misguided quixotic color commentary to our entertainment repertoire. Frost takes to the pages of Foster’s Daily Democrat and declares,

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As If you Needed Another Reason to NOT VOTE Democrat

This one kind of defies all sensibilities but it must be shared to show just how INSANE the Democrat Party has become. I apologize for even sharing this but voters need to know that if they vote Democrat, THIS IS WHAT THEY ARE GETTING. Never mind the horrific policies that increase the size of government, … Read more

PETA To Use Drones to Track Hunters

“People should go to the store and buy the meat they make there, not kill animals for food.”  —PETA

drone-huntingPETA is actively looking into a drone program to surveil  hunters. PETA has taken notice of the ever- increasing use of drones for nonmilitary purposes. Drones are now used in  fighting wildfires and in search-and-rescue missions.  PETA is now planning and forming capital to purchase a drone to spy on hunters. PETA claims it will be

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Easter Tomfoolery With Guns

“I’ve had great success being a total idiot.”  —Jerry Lewis

idiot-nation-stencil_smalltom·fool·er·y  (Noun) Foolish or silly behavior. Synonyms: foolery – silliness – foolishness – buffoonery.

Yesterday, four individuals stopped their vehicle along Interstate 93 North, near the 293/93 fork, parked, unloaded some guns and proceeded to engage in target practice along side the highway, along the area of 1793 Bodwell Road. As Police responded, they discovered the targets had been erected in such a manner that the direction of bullets fired was toward the interstate…where cars…with people were traveling North.

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Hypocrisy Gangnam Style

“That’s called hypocrisy, you shuck face piece of -!” —James Dashner, The Maze Runner

Park Jae-Sang also known as, “PSY” of Gangnam-Style Fame -Jakarta Post

I am confused here. I think I need to recap some facts as one who has served in the United States Military.  Moreover, I think Park Jae-sang, the artist also know as “PSY” of Gag-em-style fame…(or is that Gangnam?)…oh whatever the hell it is…I think he played Hooky from school on History day.

On 25 June 1950, North Korean Communist forces crossed the 38th parallel, sparking what liberals like to call, “The Korean Conflict.” We all know however, it was a war. Driving back communist forces all the way to the Yalu River, prompted the People’s Republic of China to enter the war.  After three years of bloody fighting, an uneasy armistice  was inked on27 July, 1953. The Armistice brought fighting to a conclusion and established the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) between North Korea and South Korea. To this day, U.S forces still occupy the two and a half-mile wide DMZ with minor skirmishes taking place from time to time.

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Obama Dumber Than Dan Quayle

Tim posted this on media bias, but there are parts too good to leave to the chance that you’ll follow the link to IBD (which you should.) It wasn’t like he (Quayle) repeated the mistake in all 57 states, or more precisely in Beaverton, Ore., in May 2008; or while traveling on the “Intercontinental” railroad … Read more

But You Are Still a “D”-Bag

douche bag:  (noun) “An individual who has an over-inflated sense of self worth, compounded by a low level of intellegence, behaving ridiculously in front of colleagues with no sense of how moronic he appears.”  —Urban Dictionary

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