Gretchen Whitmer

Gretchen Whitmer Accuses Feds of Blocking Medical Supply Shipments to Michigan But Where’s the Proof?

The Democrats knee-jerk obsession with contradicting President Trump continues to reap rewards for Donald Trump.  A just-released study from France involving 80 patients given hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin showed significant clinical improvement.

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Is Fauci Trying to DEPRIVE America of a Coronavirus Cure?

Is Hydroxychloroquine Coming?

How are the clinical trials of Hydroxychloroquine in New York State turning out?  Well, the trials began last Tuesday. Strange there isn’t more reporting on the results, don’t you think?

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Gretchen Whitmer

Democrat Gov. Gretchen Whitmer Threatens Doctors and Pharmacists Against Using Hydroxychloroquine

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D – TDS), is threatening doctors and pharmacists in her state. Anyone who writes or fills prescriptions for hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19 could find themselves on the wrong side of Michigan’s licensing board.

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