Tucker Carlson - Twitter news update screen grab

Tucker Carlson Gets It … The Low-T NHGOP Doesn’t … The Communists (aka NH-Democrats) Are EVIL

Tucker Carlson keynoted the recent Heritage 50th anniversary event. Every NHGOP State Rep, State Senator, etc. etc. etc. should have to listen to his speech. My words, not his: We are NOT engaged in a battle of ideas with the NH-Democrats; we do NOT share common goals with the NH-Democrats but differ on the means … Read more

Sun King Sununu

Does Governor Sununu Want Teachers to Lie to Parents? That Would Violate Federal Law

According to WMUR, Governor Sununu is planning to veto HB1431 based on some of the language that is currently in the bill. The parental rights bill would affirm our fundamental rights as parents in New Hampshire.

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Dark money action

Dark Money Action is Unaccountable

Dark money action is constant and ongoing. It will not cease unless and until we make changes in what we are willing to tolerate. People like to find ways to control others. That is what power is all about. Doing so without letting people know who is doing it is dangerous. One side of the … Read more

Google's Goolag

Buying Influence – Who Google has Bought off on the Right

There’s no shortage of content on GraniteGrok about Chinese influence-peddling. They spend money in the US on everything to shape policy and perception. Google does that too, as do most businesses that can afford it, but Google is allegedly buying off voices on the right while the tech Giant works to suppress our speech.

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Heritage.org stand strong

Message to Conservatives: Stand Strong

I see just about everything as an opportunity. I’ve already started leaning into this one (that would be the election thingy we had way back on, what was it, yesterday?) to see where we can take it. If you’re not quite there yet, or nowhere near there, check this out, Courtesy of The Heritage Foundation. Last night’s results … Read more

Tax Reform Is Not Just About Money. It’s About Trust. And Democrats Don’t Trust You.

Heritage Tax Reform NHThe Heritage Foundation has published a nationwide calculator that reports the tax savings for the average taxpayer in every congressional district in the country. Being an average taxpayer, I took an interest. And not just to know how much lower will my tax bill be thanks to Mr. Trump and Republicans but what does that mean in actual dollars?

How much of my money were Democrats fighting to keep in DC, and how much are they going to take back the first chance they get?

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Evan Sayet and the “Unified Field Theory of Liberalism”

Tom mentioned Evan Sayet in a post earlier today, which inspired me to go hunting for published posts (on our hallowed pages) with a video from Heritage where he explains “The Unified Theory of Liberalism.”

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Obama 2013 Budget InfoGraphic


Heritage (The Foundry) has an infographic on the Obama budget.   The infographic is on the jump–waaaaayyyyyyyy….too big for the front page.

No! That is not it —————————>

Here is a review of the Obama budget from Heritage.  Grab a beer or two, six, quarter-barrel….this budget is crlpllphfffff.

The review is a long read.

But there is bi-partisan agreement; no one likes this budget.  Not left, not right.  It may be worse than his previous budget, as hard as that is to believe -all on purpose so that we can live under continuing resolutions forever–that’s how I see it.

There will, of course, be those who give the polite golf-clap and force themselves to smile about it the way parents smile and clap when the 4th grade orchestra gives its best rendition of  the Double Concerto for piano, harpsichord and 2 chamber orchestras, by Elliott Carter.

Carter’s work and Obama’s share a common descriptor, by the way — ‘dense.’   I’ll let you parse the connotations over that quarter-barrel.


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Rand Paul Speaks at Heritage on Containment

Senator Paul speaks to the issue of Radical Islam and American engagement; No to isolationism, no to neoconservatism, yes to containment. He’s spot on though I’d be interested in hearing his opinion about the costs Reagan embraced to expand the military as part of the Reagan foreign policy he otherwise seems to approve of in … Read more

Head Start – it’s “For the Children” even when it is a failure.

The question we ask today is not whether our government is too big or too small, but whether it works — whether it helps families find jobs at a decent wage, care they can afford, a retirement that is dignified.”

– President Barack Obama, Inauguration, 1/20/09

SchoolhouseWe TEA Partiers are always being accused of wanting to get rid of Government as Progressives desire it and here in NH, the Free Staters are all accused of being outright anarchists that want no government whatsoever.  Well, the former is true – we want a limited government that yields a good value: a limited government that carries a small number of tasks extremely well.  In that aspect, the Free Staters (the real anarchists aside) also agree in that a limited government, by necessity, will provide an enlarged degree of Individual Liberty and Freedom.

So, back at the beginning of LBJ’s Great Society (which further pushed the Progressive Society started by Wilson, moved along by LBJ, and almost finalized by Obama), Head Start was created – a program to assist low income, inner city kids, to get a “head start” educationally, to get caught up with “the richer kids who have built in advantages”.  Problem is, there was a lot of concern from Conservatives that this has been nothing but a money sink with little results to show for it. Did it really give those kids the boost that Liberals swore was going to happen?  Er, no – #FAIL (emphasis mine):

Washington politicians interested in never cutting a dime from Washington’s spending can bring forth the name of Head Start quicker than the name of their own districts. It’s a heart-string puller. It has its roots deep in the Great Society, established in 1965 and expanded over the years to become one of the country’s longest-running programs to combat the effects of poverty. More than 20 million American children have gone through the program, which is designed to impart parenting skills to parents, and cognitive, emotional, and health improvements to children. Over the years, the program has cost $180 billion.

For the second time in two years, a Congressionally mandated study of the Health and Human Services program has shown it does not work. Its published date is October 2012, but it wasn’t released until after Obama’s election, presumably so Democratic campaigns could safely accuse Republicans of not caring about children and ignore the actual results of the programs they favor.

The Hot Air post quotes the Heritage review:

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