Dark Money Action is Unaccountable - Granite Grok

Dark Money Action is Unaccountable

Dark money action

Dark money action is constant and ongoing. It will not cease unless and until we make changes in what we are willing to tolerate. People like to find ways to control others. That is what power is all about. Doing so without letting people know who is doing it is dangerous. One side of the political world does this a lot.

Arabella Advisors recently popped up a new group. Its name is the Trusted Elections Fund. It hopes to raise millions of dollars to take advantage of the coronavirus crisis. The money will go to push vote-by-mail and other schemes favored by the left. Many are calling such efforts fronts for pushing voter fraud. Call the New Hampshire Secretary of State’s Office to see if they are supporting any of these efforts?

These groups have also spent millions of dollars lobbying Congress. Of specific interest to them is “protecting” special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation. Now why are dark money groups feeling the need to protect the Mueller investigation?

Dark money groups are also lobbying Congress for federal funding of abortions. They are working toward term limits for the Supreme Court. The “For the People Act,” a bill the Dems are introducing is said to be attacking “dark money.” It has dark money support. Why is that? Sometimes it is good to cover your tracks. Maybe that’s jaded. You can be the judge.

Arabella Advisors is headed by Eric Kessler. Mr. Kessler is a former Clinton administration staffer. He has close connections with leftist mega-donors. You can fill in the names and you’ll probably be correct.

How much is a lot of money in politics?

Capital Research Center first exposed the scheme in a report on the Arabella empire last year. Since then, it’s only grown bigger. The latest report is “The Shadow Over America.” It exposes the surge of Arabella’s “dark money machine.” Between 2006 and 2018 it poured out nearly $2 billion. 2018 is the latest available year for data.

The network hauled in $635 million in 2018 alone. Is that a lot you ask? It is seven times more than the conservative Heritage Foundation. It is almost six times more than the Koch brothers’ Americans for Prosperity raised that year. That is including their respective “action” arms.

Nonprofits, not parties, dominate. Arabella nonprofits’ revenues dwarf the combined fundraising of both national parties. The Republican National Committee (RNC) and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) in the 2017-2018 election together raised roughly $501 million. In that period the Arabella network raised over $1.2 billion. That’s nearly 2.5 times as much… just for perspective.

This vast political machine receives almost no scrutiny from mainstream media. Note: it did get reporting with limits by the very left leaning Politico. It got almost no notice from leftist “dark money hawks” like Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse of R.I. Why would that be?

Democrats say they really want to shut big donors out of politics. They do not. But that is their talking point. If they really did want big donors out of politics they would start with the dark money powerhouses. They would not use them. But the dark money powerhouses are funding their agenda.

Dark money action is not transparent and not accountable. Begin at home guys. Clean your own house first. If your gonna talk the talk you gotta walk the walk. It’s another example of Leftist hypocrisy.
