“Criminals won’t register their guns and shootings will continue”

by Skip


“They simply aren’t wired to connect the dots to the logical conclusion that no amount of laws will stop evil people from doing evil things….
…for the anti-gun fanatics, shootings are the gift that keeps giving

I’ve known Terry for a few years now as we both served on our hamlet’s Budget Committee. I always found him to be thoughtful and one who did his homework.  That said, he’s never been one to suffer a fool on either side of the aisle and in this Letter to the Editor, he hoists one on his own petard. Emphasis mine.


Isn’t it great when the clowns to the left claim to be “stuck in the middle with you”? They use words like “common sense” and “reasonable” as if there’s no doubt they are. The best part is when they claim they are pro Second Amendment because they own a gun and say that the Second Amendment is about protecting your house, like it’s true. Mr. Vervaeke should go back to school and read the Federalist Papers to find out why the Founding Fathers felt the right to bear arms is important. I hope that he reads what they actually said and not what he’d like it to say. Clearly, advocating for gun registration is exactly what the Founding Fathers didn’t want and preventing such measures is why the Second Amendment exists.

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California leads the way again!

If you support further restrictions on keeping and carrying guns, you’re in for a treat. If you think gun control laws make you safe, developments in California will make you want to move there. If any of these proposed laws pass, you really will want to move. Read on….

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