Backtrack: Visa Might Want to Be Everywhere You Want to Be, Including Gun Stores

Last fall, idiot Democrats convinced idiot Credit Card companies (banks) that tracking legal credit card purchases of guns and ammo could reduce mass shootings. That’s their story, and they were sticking to it, but there’s been some backtracking.

Related: Gun Grabbers Convince Credit Card Companies To Help Them Harass Law Abiding Gun Owners

The banks that issue these cards would use merchant codes assigned to firearms and ammunition. The result is a list of cardholders’ names, phone numbers, and addresses (mother’s maiden name, first car, the town you were born in, and million other minutiae) for legally purchased arms and ammunition.

The fear is that, upon request, the banks would cough up that information to Tom, Dick, or Leo in law enforcement that asked, and that’s a legitimate concern, as is the likelihood that the data would be shuffled to the Feds in real-time, creating a live-feed database of whom they’d need to visit in force when the revolution comes.

Gun-grabbing dip-sh!ts like Lizard Warren are happy to perpetuate the lie that this will reduce mass shootings when the majority of gun crime in America occurs where Democrats have passed so-called common sense gun laws. To anyone who believes this is why they want to track legal purchases, there is a Marxist dictatorship in your future for which you will be made to pay (and not just in Rubles, comrade).

Before the Dems begging these banks to impose their tracking system hung up the phone, 23 State AGs responded. They promised to do everything in their power to protect their citizen’s constitutional rights., even though I could see millions of those “citizens” dumping Visa and Mastercard for whatever arises to replace them. Free-Market Capitalism is like that, and yes, the Left is trying to ruin that too.

But some things still work.

Several active interventions by state legislatures later, and VISA Discovered it couldn’t Master the Card code angle if it can’t be used in all states.


“There are bills advancing in several states related to the use of this new code. If passed, the result will be an inconsistency in how this ISO standard could be applied by merchants, issuers, acquirers and networks,” a spokesman for Visa told Bloomberg. “It’s for that reason that we have decided to pause work on the implementation of the firearms-specific MCC.”


The war is not won, but this battle has turned into a trench warfare stalemate. Visa is the world’s largest credit card company. The Empire will not be pleased if they can’t give Dems the gun registry they’re searching for. That won’t stop the Left. The Democrat Socialist mission cannot succeed while a single American they do not control remains armed.

Democrats love guns. You cant get from here to Utopia™ without firearms, and once we’ve arrived, they’ll need guns to enforce the mandates. Do you think 15-minute cities, bug diets, vaccine mandates, high social credit scores, and the worker’s multi-gendered paradise can continue without guns? People are chaotic creatures, especially when the government is engaged in 24/7/365 brainwashing. The “therapists” will have guns and body armor, and treatment will often include getting a boot in your face.

And Visa could care less if they are picked to help manage the digital currency system that already exists thanks to credit card companies.

Common sense gun laws are those with the sense to ensure only the government has guns. Without gun registries and firearms tracking, you’ll never be the Ash Ketchum of gun grabbers. But Visa wants to be everywhere you want to be, meaning they want you to use their card, so for now, that includes gun stores minus the tracking codes ‘cuz reasons.

For now.


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