Ray Chadwick GST

Granite State Taxpayers Rally – Intro Ceremonies and remarks

by Skip

Yeah, I know – I’m late on getting the last of the Granite State Taxpayers’ rally up.  Processed them last nite so here they are with apologies: Intro Ceremonies and opening remars by GST Chair Ray Chadwick: NH House Republican Leader Dick Hinch: Businesslady Marga Culp: NH Senate Minority Leader Chuck Morse: Granite State Taxpayers … Read more

Granite State Taxpayers Rally – Kimberly Morin

by Skip

Gov. Sununu was not the only speaker that got recorded.  Kimberly Morin (President of the Womens’ Defense League of NH, Grokster, and NH’s ndefatigable Tweeter who constantly is driving the Left absolutely bananas) was actually the first speaker.  If you’ve ever heard her before, today’s speech by Kimberly will not disappoint! Gun Rights, womens’ rights, … Read more

GST - Gov. Chris Sununu

Granite State Taxpayers Rally – Gov. Chris Sununu

by Skip

The message that the House and the Senate want to send to the Governor is “we are with you Governor! On all your vetoes, Governor, we’re going to stand with you!” The Granite State Taxpayers held a rally today at the State House (Concord, NH) – Speakers included Ray Chadwick (Chair, GST), NH State Rep … Read more

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