raining money Image by 3D Animation Production Company from Pixabay

Congress Is A Disgrace

Here is a sure way to know when you have yet again been screwed by Congress. The corporate-media “covers” the screwing as “bipartisan” and UniParty-Republicans are “courageous” for ignoring the voters who put them there and instead “doing the right thing,” a lovely euphemism for what enriches the elites/globalists/corporatists/etc..

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And in Her Fevered State of Being, I’m Betting Jennifer Horn Thought This One Up

Stupidity on a stick – well, that fits, doesn’t it? Fevered emotion, and a fevered need for yet one more dollar on a string. Who’d they have to fleece to make this self-aggrandizing video? Jennifer Horn really does fit in well with this bunch.

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Former NHGOP Chair Jennifer Horn’s Corrupt Little Endeavor – Visualized

Jenifer Horn is a political train wreck carrying left-wing baggage. A former NHGOP State party chair whose mission is to take other people’s money in the pursuit of taking other people’s money. All while claiming to represent Republican values.

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