NH State House concord-nh-statehouse3-schinella___Patch 27164219673

Night Cap: They Are NOT On Your Side

Grant Bosse … Deputy Chief of Staff for the N.H. Senate. And an incorrigible NeverTrumper (see screenshot below). Bosse has been a NHGOP insider for as long as I can remember. Just from memory: He ran and lost the GOP primary for CD-2 in 2008, and the NHGOP-powers-that-be placed him at Josiah Bartlett. Subsequently, he … Read more

So Grant Bosse is advocating the same for the NH GOP as Obama actually did for immigration?

Smashing trash can lidGrant is the Editorial Editor for the UL and with his latest missive, he’s both right – and horribly wrong.  First for the good part (reformatted, emphasis mine; his editorial after the jump):

Where’s the big tent? NH Republicans hurting themselves

As a Republican’s Republican for the sake of the Republican Party (he leans more GOPe than Liberty) to say that the NH GOP and elected officials are off the rails is quite the stretch (careful Grant or they may revoke your hall pass!).  He’s correct in that the NH GOPe Republicans hurt themselves but often doesn’t bring what really ails them to the attention of the general public.

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Hassan-a-Saurous Bugetus Excalmitous Ignoramus Overexaggeratus

Chess Move

Grant Bosse has a great piece over at NH Watchdog that addresses the hyperbole of New Hampshire Governor Maggie Hassan on the state budget and its priorities.  Hassan has decided to ignore the striking similarities between her budget, the House version, and the Senate version, and has instead chosen to release her talking points to the professional left so they will be equipped to shout down anyone who dares point out the obvious.

Quoting Grant…

My colleague Joshua-Elliott Traficante at the Josiah Bartlett Center finds that the governor’s budget, the House budget, and the budget up for debate by the full Senate this week have nearly identical priorities for the critical areas that Hassan claims are at risk.

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Grant Bosse Drops Out…

I have been told by reliable sources that Grant Bosse is no longer seeking the position of RNC Committeeman. Whether true or not, and while Granite Grok has not yet formally endorsed a choice, I have already made an endorsement as co-director of the NHRVC, and I will do so now here for myself. Jordan … Read more

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