Night Cap: They Are NOT On Your Side

Ed Mosca

Grant Bosse … Deputy Chief of Staff for the N.H. Senate. And an incorrigible NeverTrumper (see screenshot below). Bosse has been a NHGOP insider for as long as I can remember. Just from memory: He ran and lost the GOP primary for CD-2 in 2008, and the NHGOP-powers-that-be placed him at Josiah Bartlett. Subsequently, he worked for Stinky-Joe McQuaid at the Union Misleader. At some point later, the NHGOP-powers-that-be placed him at the NH-DOE, presumably to keep Edelblut under control. When the GOP regained the State Senate majority in 2020, Bosse was handed a gig there as “Policy Director.”

So here is the consummate NHGOP-insider, the consummate GOP-establishmentarian announcing that he remains firmly NeverTrump. But don’t let that stop you from “voting NHGOP up and down the ballot,” bitter-clingers. Just keep pretending that the very grifters who look down their noses at you are “on your side.”


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