Ben Bernanke Tossed Under The Bus

If you are unsure why government is too big and why the Fed must be audited and then dismantled –You Have To Watch This.      (H/T Big

It’s Almost Saturday Again! That Means GrokTALK!

A mixture of politics, culture and current events, GrokTALK! is an Internet Radio Show broadcasting from the Liberty Studios, at, in the Free State of New Hampshire.

Sullivan’s Mea Culpa

Yesterday some of us were treated to the palate cleansing of former NHDP chair Kathy ‘Lawsuit’ Sullivan. She took the opportunity to fill her allotted Union Leader real estate with a “reform agenda for democrats.” If you get tired of shoving broken glass in your eye check it out.

It’s Another “Can’t We All Just Get Along Coalition”

John DiStaso’s Granite Status alerts us to the formation of yet another group designed to help American’s ‘find a copacetic political medium.’  This one is called NoLabels. Like similar ‘groups’ (I’ll call them out in a moment) this one wants to bring the self-proclaimed rational people from both sides into the center.

From DiStato

A new advocacy group that disdains "hyper-partisanship" and promotes "the vital center" is trying to make in-roads in New Hampshire.

"Ultimately, unless we get rid of some of our ideological intensity, we are not going to be served by government."

The group is being fronted locally by former Portsmouth mayor and so-called centrist democrat Steve Marchand.  I’m not going to waste time on whether Marchand is centrist or not, in fact I think I’ll skip the preview reel altogether and get to the point.

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What Are The Democrats Giving You This Holiday Season?

H/T Red State & Citizens United

Almost Halfway To Friday Humor


Guantanamo Blues

Twenty-two months after announcing that the Guantanamo Bay detention facility would be closed in twelve months, the Obama administration has announced that they will now be holding Khalid Sheikh Mohammed at that facility, indefinitely, without any trial at all.

What We Beleive – Immigration

Someone has just performed what appears to be a great service to the People of New Hampshire. (I just have not figured out who they are yet.) It’s called It’s premise is to provide a database where New Hampshire legislators can explain how and why they voted for particular bills, and a method by which voters can sort and read these responses.
In the words of the Guinness guys. “It’s Brilliant!”

New Hampshire Exceptionalism

The voters on this Granite island took a democrat majority government and turned it into a Republican super-majority, making the historical re-election of democrat John Lynch historical for it’s inability to stop anything the legislative super majority can agree is in the best interest of the people who elected them.

What Was He Thinking?

Gene Chandler has been taking a good deal of heat lately.  He deserves it in my opinion.  He knows full well the Democrats will make the same hay over the trumped up corn roast scandal, just like they did back then.  That means if he wins he’s on the defensive every single day instead of focusing on business.  It also means that the entire caucus has to defend their electing him to the post as well, even if they didn’t vote for him to be Speaker.

And if they try to claim they did not vote for him, now we have to defend against attacks of party division over the so-called "ethically challenged" Gene Chandler.

If you, for one moment think that won’t happen you are deluded.

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From The Firewall – The Second Amendment

Marco Rubio

RightOnline – Interview with Maggie Thurber of Thurber’s Thoughts

RightOnline – an event by Americans for Prosperity I had the opportunity to be at the RightOnline conference in Las Vegas sponsored by Americans for Prosperity. Situated in the Bloggers Lounge area, I had a constant stream of folks sit down and yak with GraniteGrok.  The live stream worked fairly well and had a number … Read more

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