GrokTV Event-Granite State Institute of Politics Republican Gov. Debate – Intro Ceremonies and Candidate Opening Remarks

Last night was the Granite State Institute of Politics Republican Gov. Debate that was hosted and moderated by John Burt.  The two candidates seeking the Republican nomination for NH were Ovide Lamontagne and Kevin Smith.  Questioners were Alex Talcott (Communications Director for 4RG) and Speaker of the NH House Bill ‘Brien.  The debate lasted about … Read more

GrokTV Event-Granite State Institute of Politics Republican Gov. Debate – First Four Questions for the Candidates

Debates are all about the questions – and Speaker Bill O’Brien and  Alex Talcott asked some pretty good questions of Ovide Lamontagne and Kevin Smith.  .  The first four are here (questions 2 – 4 are after the jump).

Question 1:

What names are Democrat politicians or others calling you that distort or oversimply what you are about and why are they wrong?

Previous Posts:

Question 2:

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GrokTV Event-Granite State Institute of Politics Republican Gov. Debate – Next Four Questions for the Candidates

Continuing on with the questions from the Granite State Institute of Politics Republican Debate featuring Ovide Lamontagne and Kevin Smith, here are the next four questions:

Question 5:

Got my hair cut. Stylist complained about high gas costs. General thoughts on energy costs?”

Previous Posts:

  • Live Stream – GrokTV Event: The Granite State Institute of Politics Republican Gubernatorial Debate
  • Recording of the Live Stream – GrokTV Event: The Granite State Institute of Politics Republican Gubernatorial Debate
  • GrokTV Event-Granite State Institute of Politics Republican Gov. Debate – Intro Ceremonies and Candidate Opening Remarks
  • Question 1: What names are Democrat politicians or others calling you that distort or oversimply what you are about and why are they wrong?
  • Question 2: The Commissioner of Employment Security stepped down over fiscal corruption charges. What would you doto insure that ethics return to the Executive Branch?
  • Question 3: Salesman-in-Chief; why can’t Jackie Cilley or Maggie Hassan get on the horn and call up CEOs and credibly convince them to create jobs in NH as effectively the way you can?
  • Question 4: The Legislature left open the issue of education by the State this past term.  Can you discuss what your understanding of the issue is, what its likely and possible impact will be on the State budget and how you would go about addressing it?

Question 6:

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GrokTV Event-Granite State Institute of Politics Republican Gov. Debate – Questions 9 – 12

And now for the third set of four questions (list of previous questions and their links after the jump) from the Granite State Institute of Politics Republican Gov. Debate that was hosted by John Burt, questions asked by Speaker Bill O’Brien and  Alex Talcott , and answered by the Candidates for the Republican nomination for NH Governor, Ovide Lamontagne and Kevin Smith.

Question 9:

One of the least known aspects of Obamacare is how it seeks to hijack State finances in order to expand insurance coverage particularly in the area of Medicaid. One area it does this in is doubling income elegibility.  That’s the aspect to bring forward the decision. That’s the aspect and the reason for the Supreme Court decision that it is optional to the States.  Can you tell us whether or not NH should take up that option and expand its population?  As part of your answer, can you tell us where Medicaid is going in NH and how NH is going to finally be able to protect its sovereignty from the Federal Government trying to push us to overspending here in NH?

Question 10:

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GrokTV Event-Granite State Institute of Politics Republican Gov. Debate – Last question and Candidate closing remarks

Indeed – Question 13 and closing candidate remarks from the

Question 13:

What would you do so that the Veterans finally get a full service VA here in NH?

Closing remarks by Ovide Lamontagne and Kevin Smith, vying to become the Republican nominee for NH Governor:

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GrokTV Event-Granite State Institute of Politics Republican Gov. Debate – If you couldn’t make it and want to watch the whole thing…

Last night, it was a full house at the Granite State Institute of Politics Republican Gov. Debate  hosted by John Burt.  In fact – it was an overflow event; over 500 tickets sold when the event was estimated to pull in 400.  It goes to show that the intensity is quite high on the Republican … Read more

GrokTV Event: The Granite State Institute of Politics Republican Gubernatorial Debate tonite!

We will be at the debate later on tonite and will be live streaming (Internet bandwidth and UStream servers , God willing) as well as recording it.  Grokster Steve and I are planning on being there, and others may be as well.  Certainly, we’ll be recording it for later posting and trying to get some … Read more

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